~☆~Stupid Idea~☆~

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TW: none

As I'm sure many people know, dad's are hard. Especially when they're homophobic ass holes. For example, Silva and Ging.

And what's worse than having one homophobic parent? Having two. And that's Killua’s problem.

He's coming to the end of middle school, and his parents are becoming... obsessive. Well, more.

Now, whenever Killua is brutally forced out of his house to go somewhere with his mother. Which is usually just shopping. Kikyo just goes on and one about how cute some random girl is and how Killua should talk to her.

Meanwhile, his father keeps telling him to act like a man, to be strong, to be... well, a man. An asshole.

And Killua hates it. But he doesn't want his parents to hate him if he's honest. He wants to fulfill his parents' dreams. Cause God nows both his older siblings didn't.

And then there's Gon. Ever since Ging showed up in his life, he trys his best at everything. He tries for the best grades, goes put for sports, and participates with many things at school. But there's still one thing Ging wants for his son... and that's a girlfriend.

Which is the hardest for Gon. He's never felt much romantic feelings for anyone. Although he does have a somewhat crush on his best friend.

And you would think Gon would just say, 'Fuck that I like boys too'. But he's scared. He doesn't want his father to be disappointed. He doesn't want him to leave again...

And that's how the two boys start thinking about girls. And... it's not exactly good.

Killua hates girls. The only thing he hates worse is his parents, and that's saying a lot. But he still wants his parents to be happy. And there's more with that... but all of that is for another time.

Meanwhile, Gon had an idea. A very stupid, stupid idea.

"H-Hey... can I talk to you, Retz?"

Ah yes, the blonde girl that has been going to school with Gon since kindergarten. Gon is about to talk to her for the first time since the last day of fifth grade.

See, Retz has been ignoring all jer old friends through middle school. She just stopped talking to them one day, and when Gin last tried to talk to her... well, she just walked away.

But th thing is that there's a huge rumor going around school saying the the young blonde is a lesbian. Which Gon isn't sure of...

"Uh... why are you talking to me?" Retz asks in a sparky tone with a look of disgust.

Gon laughed nervously, meeting the eyes of the popular group that surrounded his old friend, "Please?"

Retz could tell that Gon needed her. Only her. And it was important. So she decided to stop being a prissy bitch for a second and stood up pulling Gon away from the lunch table her group sat at.

They made their way away from the crowds of kids. So they were all alone.

"What is it, Gon?"

Gon laughed nervously, fiddling with his fingers, "Retz... are you- are the rumors -"

"Don't tell anyone... no one can know."

Gon smiles a bit. Although he wonders, it's such a secret.

"Yoir gay aren't you?" Retz asks as if she already knows the answer.

"Uh, I don't do labels. But I like a boy... only thing is -"

"You can't? Damn we got a lot in common, don't we?"

Gon opens and closes his mouth, trying to form coherent words. Stunned at what Retz admitted so easily.

Retz sighs, "I got a stupid idea, and I guess you have the same one?"

"Fake date..." Gon murmurs.

Reyz nods, "I'm in... that'll get my brother off my back for a while, at least."

"And my dad will be happy."

Retz laughs, "So it's settled... we're 'dating'"

Gon nods, feeling waves of nausea and guilt pass him. He didn't exactly want this... but if it would make Ging stay he would do anything.

Retz grabs Gon's hand, pulling out a sharper, writing her number on his hand. Then, I gave him a pained kiss on the cheek and ran off...

God, this was a stupid idea.

I'm sorry🥲

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