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~Tara pov~

She was still unconscious and was sweating profusely, her body was limp and motionless.But her mind was alert.

What is happening?? Is Yudhishthir really my better half?? But the birthmark... What am I supposed to make out of this??

She tried to move her hand but the effort went in vain, her body was equal to a dead person.

Am I dead?? No way, not that fast..

With that her remaining consciousness also left her side.


"O Lord" cried Ashwathama as he reached Tara and recognised the arrow.
"Dushasan, vikarna!! Get a stretcher. NOW!!"

Yudhishthir, Sahdev, Dushasan and Vikarna carried Tara to one of the villages in Kampilya with Karna following closely. The Kauravas had already cleaned the hut and set the instruments for the surgery.

"Wait outside everybody" said Ashwathama raising his hand.

Karna wanted to follow him but Duryodhan held him back
"Ashwathama and sahdev are skilled medics mitr, let them do their job"

Karna looked at Duryodhan with his bloodshot eyes, who was controlling his emotions in an admiring way.
Duryodhan patted karna on his shoulder in a consoling way and left.

Duryodhan's mind was going through a stack of disturbing thought.
I wish I had treated her nicely, she only wished well for me and my friends. Without her we couldn't have won the war. I feel so horrible now. When she gets better, which she definitely will, I will apologize for my lack of trust on her.

"There should be courier-pigeons here, sent a letter to my father and also sent one to the chola Kingdom informing them of Tara's injury" he ordered vikarna.

Meanwhile Karna was dead from inside. He sat outside the hut, while everyone drifted away.
That girl is a true crackhead, why would she risk her life for me like that?? If something happens to her I will never be able to forgive myself. Why did I feel bad when she didn't take my name??
Dear God, please save her life, I would give anything to hear her voice again even if it is not calling for me.

Duryodhan came back to find karna still sitting there outside. Dushala had arrived upon the news and was sobbing uncontrollably. Dushasan was holding her gently, comforting her. A distraught Yudhishthir stood, his face stunned into a blank expression.
It is weird, a girl who had just arrived yesterday had made such an impact in our life that the fear of her absence is haunting us like a plague.The whole kuru lineage is waiting for an unknown princess to open her eyes.....

"We have removed the arrow" said Ashwathama.

Karna, Dushala, Duryodhan and Yudhishthir were standing in the hut, looking at an unconscious Tara. Nobody else was allowed in. Ashwathama clearly stated that Tara did not need the risk of increased infection.
Sahdev had went out to help the injured Kauravas.

Yudhishthir and Karna looked at Ashwathama, eyes moist, unable to find strength to ask the question that rages in their heart.

Ashwathama himself was controlling his emotions expertly. He took a deep breath and spoke.
"I will not lie to you. Nobody in history has survived an agnibaan which has penetrated one of their vital organs. The poison will cause intense fever which will lead to the dysfunction of all organs and ultimately....death"

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