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~Author pov~

"Are you ok?"
A gruff but boyish voice asked.
The grip around her dagger tightened.
She looked at the direction were the voice was coming from.
A tall guy about age 17.He had well proportioned body,his eyes were deep and expressive,he had a pointy chin,his hair was of shoulder length and wavy,his skin was of golden colour,he had a tilak on his broad forehead,he was wearing a white dhoti and some kind of armour.He was looking at Tara with concern.

Tara got so engrossed in the guy she forgot about his question.
She couldn't understand the language that much because it was Sanskrit.
Her father taught her some ,so she could speak broken Sanskrit.
"I am fine,actually was,l didn't need your help"Tara answered
"Ya,l saw that"he said with a slight smile and a shot of sarcasm
Tara glared at him.Who was he?Is he gonna attack me next,Tara wondered.

He sensed her discomfort.
"Apologies devi,l should have introduced myself, Pranipat l am kuntiputr Yudhishthir"

The dagger fell from her hands ,she hastily picked it up.She was flabbergasted.Pandava!! Wait,so Mahabharata actually happened, Bhabhi,what now,huhh.But what was he doing here.Tara quickly regained her wits.
"Pranipat,rajkumar,l am grateful that you saved my life"
"It's my Dharma devi,l am a kshatriya"

Ahhhh..classic yudhishthir behaviour.

Then it was silence.
Yudhishthir was staring at her awkwardly and nervously.He opened his mouth to ask something but before he could Tara interrupted.
"What are we going to do about the tiger"
"What-tiger huhh- we can still save its life"yudhishthir had forgotten about the tiger.
As Tara looked, he fumbled around and brought some leaves crushed them into paste,gently removed the spear and applied it.
He then got up
"It will recover soon"
She already knew where he was now, according to his age he should be in gurukul now,maybe had come down for some work or something.
"It's late now, were you going somewhere ,devi"
"Yes,l have to reach hastinapur city"
"Do you mind if l escort you there,it's not safe"
"Will that be a problem for you"
"Problem,no not at all"he was smiling ear to ear.
God,this pandava is weird,Tara thought.

~tara pov~

They started walking
"So, where are you from"
Oops,now what am l supposed to say,no place is coming to my mind, come on Tara.
"Sorry,am l being nosy"
Tara looked at him sheepishly .If only she had memorized the books.
"No it's not that,it's just-"
"It's ok,l understand"

This is getting messier.
I can't believe l am walking with a pandava ,this is awesome.
"So rajkumar,-"she started
"Why these formalities,you can call me yudhishthir "
He then again gave his nerdy smile.
"Oh,are you like this with all your subjects rajkumar -l mean yudhishthir"
"No l-"he was nervously scratching the back of his neck.
Woow Tara ,first day and you made a pandava blush,way to go.

"I was just pulling your leg,l meant to ask, can you tell me more about Hastinapur "
"Oh why not"
That did the work, he started talking non stop about Hastinapur.He started from the history to architecture to infrastructure, geography,economy,people and whatnot.
God this guy was a walking hastinapur encyclopaedia.
This went on for ages till we reached the city gate at dawn the next day.
"I can't enter"he said remorsefully.
"Thank you for accompanying me,it was really a great help "
"It's nothing,heyy can l atleast get your name where I can find you"
Tara hesitated for a second then thought who would know me here anyways
"Tara,Tara Nandha"
" That's a beautiful name Tara,l will meet you again"
He said and walked away.

Yaa,you certainly will,l will be gone by then.
She took a deep breath and stepped into the famed city of dwapar yug,where it all started, HASTINAPUR.

Guysss ,forgive karna's delay,he will come shortly.
Thank you for reading and vote plss

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