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~Karna pov~

I reached the kingdom of Mlecchas,the kingdom outcasted from the aryavrat,they were termed as untouchables and dangerous by the people of aryavrat.The concept of untouchables is always a ridiculous one to me,like they don't want us to touch them and come before them but they still want us to work for them.Maybe one day,this inhuman caste system will be eradicated.They call the mlecchas barbaric but the real barbarous ones are the people that branded them us castoffs.

My mind was wavering and spiralled thinking of this as I began to feel I was back in the snow.As I reached further I saw them,they were dressed in animal furs,had yellow skin and golden hair.They spoke in a foreign language and behaved differently.They had advanced sheilds and swords made of bronze instead of iron.And they were a beautiful lot,blue eyes ,even.

The mlecchas were termed mostly as 'foreigners',but not the ones that come for tourism and trade.They were the ones who continued to stay here and exploit the resources of Aryavrat through every means possible.They were barbaric,nomadic and very much like rakshasas.They had created a cult of their own.

I was on the edge of malinipur,the landscape in front was misty and dark,but not dark enough to see what was happening.
They were people fighting,I reined my horse and observed 2 sets of people,one in animal pelt and other in crimson red,battling each other.
A man shouted while running.

~Author pov~

Karna was curious to see what was going on.
He contemplated whether he should intervene or not.
He remained there,static as he heard the battle cries.
He took a deep breath and races ahead,his arrows slung on the bow,as he moved into the battlefield he could feel the mist,the volley of fire arrows,yells and scowls.
He began to roll over and shoot arrows at the red ones.
The mlecchas were astounded,wondering where this outsider came from.
He was moving quickly until he felt someone slam him against his shoulder,throwing him in the mud.Karna came on his feet to see the soldier in front of him with a hammer in his hand.With a quick shove,the hammer came towards him.Rolling over,he quickly lunged at the man by shooting an arrow at his head and the man succumbed wondering where the attack had come from.
"Ahhh,this is getting tiring"Karna exclaimed."Enough of this"
Karna was fuming with anger,he took out his bow and shot the anjalika astr.In a second all the crimson soldiers heads were decapitated.
Karna could feel the gaze of the mlecchas boreing into him.

"You saved my life, warrior"

The cheif of mlecchas came into the picture.A middle aged man with a golden beard and long black hair which was tied in 2 braids,wearing a heavy armour.

"Pranipat,leader of mlecchas"

"Who are you,brave man?"

"I am just an archer...""his voice trailed of

"I am Vajradeva"

Karna nodded.

"What brings you to my terrain?"

Karna told the purpose of his arrival.

"You can stay here for all eternity if you want,I Vajradeva,the leader of the mlecchas is promising you the loyalty and support of the mlecchas whenever you want us"
"I am grateful for that"Karna gave a dazzling smile.

Karna was invited to have lunch and he gladly obliged to it.
The people were looking at him with admiration and respect.They didn't ask his caste or status,karna was contented that his valour earned him praises,he thanked his guru in his mind.

"So,karn where do you reside"

"Hastinapur ,leader"

"Oh,the land of opportunists and castiests"he scowled.

Karna smirked at that.
He then noticed a girl peeking through the tent's opening.Vajradeva followed his gaze and smiled at the sight.

He beckoned the girl to come.
"Karn,this is my daughter Ira"
Karna looked at the little girl affectionately.
"She is adorable" Karn gave a slight smile and then put his serious face again.
"Pitashree is a bit busy now beta,why don't you go and play"he said to his daughter.
Ira took a glance at karna and ran off to play.

"So,leader who were the people that attacked you"
"They are the army of jarasandha,we have been enemies for a long time"

Karna was curious now."What happened exactly"he enquired.

"Oh,it's a long story Karn."Vajradeva sighed.
"Long back I was not the only leader of the mlecchas,I did not establish this empire by myself.My friend and I made this group of so called nomads a place where they can call a home.But he wanted the leadership all to himself,so he backstabbed me my joining forces with jarasandha,the mlecchas who supported me fought with me.A lot of us died that day, including my wife "His eyes Wells up at that."At the end we won somehow,he took a major part of mlecchas with him.From that day we have been sworn enemies.He could have just asked me for the leadership,I would have given it wholeheartedly.But now I will avenge the death of my people and my beloved wife.My daughter never knew the love of a mother."

Karna didn't know how to console him,He was startled to see a man of this magnitude about to cry.He seems like a nice guy to befriend.

"What's your friend's name"


"I have heard about his prowess in wrestling,he is really a formidable foe"

"Humphhh,He will see his fall someday "
"Why talk about all this now,finish your Lunch,you have some work here I presume.

"Yes,thank you for your hospitality"

"Why bother,we are friends now"

Karna smiled.

He stepped out of the camp and went to the forest.He was about to start the Puja when he felt someone looking.
He took out his bow and aimed at the direction of the gaze.
"Who's there"
The person came out,It was Ira,the leader's daughter.
"You,what are you doing here"

"I just wanna see what you were doing"she lisped.

"I am about to do Puja,will you help me set up the things"

"Am I allowed to touch the items"she asked with a mix of fear and amusement.


He made good friends with her in the process.
After that she ran back to the camp.

Karna sat in samadhi,chanting "Aum umamaheshwaraye namah"


The Mlechchha dynasty ruled Kamarupa from 650-900 CE. The dynasty's capital was Harruppesvar, which is now Tezpur, Assam.
The Mlechchha dynasty was established by Salasthamba, who took advantage of the Varman dynasty's declining power. The dynasty is unrelated to the Varman dynasty.
The Mlechchha dynasty is followed by the Pala kings. The dynasty's lineage is unclear, and the names of some of its rulers are unknown.
The word "Mlechchha" is used in India to refer to someone who doesn't practice Hinduism, or more specifically, a foreigner. Mlechchhas were found in northwestern India, and some believe the original Mlechchhas were the people known as Mlakkha in Akkadian. As a Mlechchha, a foreigner was completely outside the caste system and ritual ambience.

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