miss you

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Even when I don't have the right to I still miss you, even when my friends tell me that I deserve much better than you and I know that, but I still miss you.

Even when you've crossed some boundaries that I've set, I knew it was time to leave, I didn't know you much then, I could have just left you it would have hurt a bit and by now I would have forgotten about you, you would have forgotten about me, we would have been just two free souls.

I talk on your behalf and I don't even know if what I say is right, but that's the only way to keep me sane, to think that you also have it bad, that you also think of me when I think of you, that my absence affects you just as much as yours does to me.

But I didn't leave when I had to, instead I made up some stupid excuses for you which I still do, now it feels like I'm stuck, I used to laugh when men say, don't lie to a woman, if she truly loves you she will lie to herself, it's true though, something is crystal clear but you try to see through it, to see the good in it.

Maybe he's just busy

Maybe he's going through something

Maybe he needs time

Maybe he did that because I acted in a certain way

Maybe he didn't mean to hurt me

And you know the best part, your mind and imagination has no limit, it can go through all the possibilities, finding just the right one to make you forgive them, and then when I think, I've forgiven them, now I can just move on with my life, my mind starts to remind me of all the good things that person has done, all the good memories, by then I've already fallen for him again.

I miss you.

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