Chapter 7

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Jim has been pacing around. She is relieved when she sees Sam walk inside. “Thank god, you’re home.” She sees someone is standing behind Sam. “Mon…?” She gives her sister a curious look.

Sam shakes her head and gives her sister a cold warning look. Now is not the time for Jim to ask questions. “You can sit on the couch if you want, Mon.” She gestures towards the couch.

Mon slowly walks up to the couch and sits down. She can see that Sam and Sam’s sister both look concerned at her. She must look awful right now. Her eyes must be red from crying.

Sam shifts her eyes between Mon and her sister. “It is really late.” She steps closer to Mon and sits down, careful not to touch Mon. “You can sleep in my bed if you want. I will sleep on the couch, of course. Tomorrow I could walk you home, if you would like.”  She doesn’t want to impose.

Mon rubs her eyes. “I can’t take your bed. The couch will be fine.” Jim hands her a cup of hot coffee. “Thank you.”

“You are our guest.” Sam’s voice is soft. “I will sleep fine on the couch.”

Mon knows that Sam will not change her mind. Sam is sweet to her. She wonders what Sam has been thinking since they met. She knows Sam is not Nop.

Sam goes into her bedroom and takes pajamas out of her closet. She hands them to Mon. “The bathroom is next to my bedroom.”

Mon silently goes inside the bathroom. She splashes water into her face. Sam’s pajama smells like Sam, just like her sweater does. When she gets out, she walks into Sam’s bedroom. She’s quite tired.

Sam takes extra blankets for Mon, to make sure she won’t be cold.

Mon blushes slightly when Lexa gently kisses her forehead and whispers her good night. She looks at the bed. It’s easily big enough for two. “Sam?”

Lexa turns around. “Yes, Mon?”

“Your bed is big enough for two. Why don’t you sleep here?” Mon feels a bit shy. “I wouldn’t mind if you’d sleep here.”

Sam stiffens a bit. She looks at Mon who is smiling sweetly at her. She gives in and gets under the covers. She keeps her distance from Mon, but it is nice to know that she’s nearby.

Mon slowly reaches out for Sam’s hand. “Would you mind if…?” She swallows the last words. Sam has been comforting tonight and she doesn’t want to lose the comfort Sam has been offering her.

Sam nods shortly and slips her hand into Mon’s. She hears how fast Mon is breathing. “You’re safe, Mon. You’re safe. I got you.” She has no idea what happened when Mon was alone in the park, but she’s concerned. Mon was so upset and it’s clear that she’s still shaken up a bit.

Mon shuffles closer towards Sam, seeking comfort in the warmth of the covers and Sam’s arms. Sam is so gentle with her, holding her tenderly like she might break. She knows Sam is keeping her safe. The whole Nop thing was a shock. Sam lied to her on that date. Sweet, sweet Sam…

To be continued......

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