Chapter 5

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Jim paces around the living room. “You were on a date and you didn’t tell me?” She looks at Sam.

“It wasn’t planned, Jim.”

“Oh so what, you’re going to tell me she walked over to your bench and picked you up for a date?”

Sam bites her lip. “In a way, yes, she did.”

Jim sits down on the couch next to her sister. “Explain what happened.”

Sam sighs. “I sat on the bench by the lake with my book. Out of nowhere Mon approached me and called me Nop. Supposedly she met someone online and they planned a date together. They had agreed to wear something red, carry a book and to sit on that bench by the lake.”

Jim can’t control her laughter. “Oh my god, Sam. Of course something like this happens to you. So she thought you were that Nop person?”

Sam grumbles. “This is not funny, Jim. I was going to tell her she had the wrong person, but I couldn’t.”

Jim stands up and gapes at her sister. “Woah, woah, wait. You haven’t told her she had the wrong person!?” She sees Sam dipping her head. “Sam, why did you do that for?”

“I did not want to hurt her feelings by having to inform her that her date must have stood her up.”

Jim takes Sam’s hands and sighs. “I hope she won’t find out then, but I think you should tell her the truth.”

“I know I should.”

“Well you got her number, right? Text her or something.”

Sam shakes her head. “I will not let her know through text. When I tell her, I want to tell her face to face.”

Jim dramatically places a hand on her sister’s head. “It was nice knowing you while you were alive.”


Mon is meeting up with Noey and Irin, at Noey’s place. She still needed to eat and Noey said she’d order some pizza. That was something she wouldn’t pass up.

It’s a shame Jim had interrupted the end of her date with Sam. Now she’ll have to wait for Sam to text her so she can have Sam’s number. The date turned out well. She likes Sam’s calm exterior. She also likes her eyes, her hair, her legs and well okay, everything.

Sam arrives at Noey’s place when she gets a text. She grabs her phone to look at the text.

Unknown: Hello, Mon. Thank you for making my day brighter than the sun possibly could. –S

Mon chuckles upon reading Sam’s text and quickly types a reply, before knocking on Noey’s door.

Mon: I had a great time it was nice to hang out with you. We should definitely do that again sometime! :-)

Mon: This is Mon btw!

Mon: Oh wait, right, you already have my number. Um… oops? Discard my previous message… and probably this one too.

Sam: I told you once, and I will tell you twice, you are adorable.

Irin swings Noey’s door open and looks at Mon, who is holding her phone in her hand and blushing impossibly red. “Did you get a red tan or did you get laid or something?”

Mon jumps up and looks at Irin, who is smirking mischievously. She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear and walks inside, ignoring Irin’s comment. Once inside, she types out a reply to Sam.

Mon: You’re such a charmer. Want to go out again next weekend?

Sam: I will sit by the lake. Is 2pm okay?

Mon: Sure yeah! I’ll see you then ;)

“Pizza will be here in a sec.” Noey says. She drops down on her couch and pats her hands on the place to her right and the place to her left.

Mon and Irin take place next to Noey.

Noey turns her face to look at Mon. “So how’d the rest of that date go?” She winks.

“If I was gay, I’d do her.” Irin announces in a serious tone.

“You said you were behaving, Irin!” Clarke groans.

Irin rolls her eyes. “I did behave when she was with us in that coffee shop. She’s hot I’m only calling it as it is.”

“Yeah she’s hot.” Noey chimes in. “No wonder Mon can’t stop blushing.”

Mon tries to hide her face in her hands. “What? I… the sun was bright today… I forgot my sun screen.”

Irin and Noey give each other a knowing look.

Mon sighs. “I hate you both.” She mumbles.

Irin leans in and kisses Mon’s cheek, Noey copies her.

“Nah, you love us.”

To be continued....

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