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The next morning, Naomi woke up by the ringing of the phone in the hallway near her room. She runs out of her bed to reach the phone.
-It's me Jeanne! Remember we're going in town to do some shopping for you!
-Ah yeah...I've just woken up. When do you want to meet?
-I join you at your house because you live near the shopping area, at 2 pm. You work tonight?
-Yes I work, you too?
-Yeah me too, let's meet at 1 pm instead so we can eat lunch together?
-Yes good idea! See you later!" and Naomi hanged up the phone, she looked at the clock indicating 10 am. She had enough time to get ready, she went downstairs to eat a light breakfast. Then went upstairs and took a shower, she gets ready and puts on a large light blue jean high waist with a orange top with long sleeves, it was a bit colder than usually today. She did her makeup and it was already time for Jeanne to show up. And actually the ringtone rang, Naomi put her sandals on, took her bag and joined Jeanne outside. The two girls took the way to the shopping area, they will start by eating and then it will be time for the shopping session. Even though Naomi met Jeanne just a few weeks ago, it was the day they both ask to work in the restaurant. She knows Jeanne has great tastes in fashion. And even her company didn't bother Naomi, she wasn't embarrassed with Jeanne it was cool to be with her! But sometimes she feels so different : when Naomi prefers to stay at home and watch a great movie, Jeanne prefers to go out so she can find a new man for the night. Eating and shopping were the kind of meets Naomi likes and the only thing she could do with friends.

The two girls went in a local and cheap restaurant. They sat at the table, ordered and their food came really quick. "So what happened last night? I kinda forgot." asked Jeanne, unfortunately she hasn't a good memory. Naomi laughed and explained her one more time. "Yesterday that guy, you saw him, he was alone at the bar.
-Oh yeah! He was sexy, isn't he?
-Yeah I know! So at first he didn't really want to talk. But I'm so clumsy, when I did a cocktail I spilled all the drink on him!
-NO! What did he say? What Mister Martin said?
-Fortunately Mister Martin didn't say anything because he has no idea of what happened. And for the man, Elvis, his name's Elvis, I wiped the drink with a napkin but my hand went on his dick.
-Oh my, you're slutty~
-No I was so embarrassed! But after that he started to be more friendly. He's super rich, the son of the Presley's enterprise, my dad works for him! Anyway, after I had to dance for the show, he told me that I should be a hula dancer but I told him I wanted to be a surgeon because it's a secure job.
-Yes obviously.
-He told me I'm boring! I was kinda mad but I didn't say anything. And after that he told me that he wanted to taste my lips and then he tried to kiss me! But it was too much, I don't think he was drunk...but well I told him to stop. And then before leaving he paid and leaved me 100$ tips.
-Yeah I remember that part, because today we will find you an incredible lingerie ensemble!
-Yes exactly..." Naomi sights, she continues eating while thinking about that moment.

This year two men flirted with her, this year men seemed to notice her. Because for the very first time a man flirted with her, it was in April of this year. She had finished her class for the day so she wanted to go home, a man started to talk with her. She thought he was nice, he just wanted to talk but no! He asked her out, he was way older than her. The poor Naomi got scared and ran away.
The second time, it was in June, she was out to buy some books or VHS when a man stopped her, this time he was younger, maybe her age, he asked her if she is single and if she finds him attractive. She didn't find the man attractive and first of all she doesn't want a boyfriend at all! So she just told him "Sorry I'm really not interested." And she continued what she was doing. Naomi isn't a heartbreaker, she is maybe complicated? But this time with Elvis she doesn't know what to do. Should she do like she did with the two other men? Or should she just see what will happen? Because this time, she finds Elvis really attractive, but she is scared, all of that is new for her. She had never kissed a man or had sex with a man! Also she had never hold hands with a man! This is so complicated for her.

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