Chapter 11

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          *sam and i just chat and then Bucky calls us. He broke Zemo out of prison*

sam&bucky: *arguing*

me: *laughing that bucky actually did this*

Zemo: If I amy-

Both: NO

me: *biting my tongue*

Zemo: and who are you, lovely?

me: —

Bucky: Don't talk to her.

Zemo: *hands in the air* ok then.

both: *back to arguing*

Zemo: I really think I'm invaluable...

Sam: Shut up.

me: *grinning and trying so hard not to laugh*

both: *back to arguing*

Sam: We do this you don't make a move without our permission.

Zemo: fair enough.

Sam: And you don't snitch to your boss or your boyfriend

me: feels implied but, to the best of my ability.

Sam: ...Ok, where do we start, Zemo?

*We're looking at cars*

Zemo: *yapping*I ended the winter soldier program once before. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished.

me: *scoffs* should've ended it better.

Zemo: *didn't hear me* to do this yada yada *walks out to plane*

me: *looking at the plane thinking mine (inheritance from tony) is cooler*

sam: so all this time you've been rich?

Zemo: I'm a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country. *greets Onzik*

*we get in the plane and we get some champagne*

me: *taking a sip*

Zemo: *in sokovian* if it doesn't pass the smell test... give it to them

me : *roughly in sokovian bc wanda taught me* just those two.

Zemo: You speak sokovian?

sam: since when?

me: Wanda Maximoff and I were best friends before thanos came. I thought the language was beautiful and I wanted to learn. Still not the best though.

Zemo: We can remedy that though- *flirty*

all: ...

Zemo: you don't know what it's like to be locked in a cell

all: ...

zemo: oh that's right you do.

sam: so when are you going to tell us where we are going?

zemo: I'm sorry. I was just fascinated by this. idk what to call it, but this part seems to be important. what is the red snowflake (it's me)?

bucky: *chokes him*

me: woah woah. guys! *scared tbr* BUCKY!!!

bucky: *takes notebook and steps back* you touch that again o will kill u.

me: *downing champagne* do you have anything stronger?

zemo: Find Ozik. bring a bottle.

me: *walks out of the compartment*

them: *yapping abt the notebook and Marvin Gaye*

me: *walking back in with a bottle of bourbon*

sam: y/n, do you like marvin gaye?

me: *listened to troubleman with steve* I used to.

all: ...

Zemo: you must've looked up to Steve, he was your father right? but I realized something when I met him. The danger with people like him, America's super soldiers, is that we put them on pedestals.

me: ...

sam: watch your step zemo.

bucky: ...

zemo: They become symbols. Icons. and then they start to forget about their flaws. From there, cities fly, innocent people die. Movements formed, wars fought... *to bucky* you remember that right? being sent into germany to stop a mad icon. do we want to live in a world full of people like the Red Scull? *shakes head* that is why we are going to Madripoor

sam: what's up with Madripoor? You guys talk like it's skull island.

Bucky: It's an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.

Zemo: It's kept it's lawless ways. But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.

Me: no. come on– this is ridiculous.

Zemo: oh you are going to love what you get to be then...

Daughter of America: a Y/N Rodgers x Bucky Barnes Fanfic (slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now