Chapter 7

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             *ffw: we fight and we lose and I survive the blip (I am 19 rn fyi)*

YEAR 1: I stay in the tower with Nat and Dad, still following US orders but I got them to let me house myself.

I hit a depression hard too which put me on leave for a bit.

I get out of it... with the help of mandated therapy and some pills. And I started smoking again

YEAR 2: Nat makes me quit smoking.

I kinda get it together... Still going to therapy tho.

I start really working again (missions etc.)

have a fwb thing with Carol for a bit but then she went off planet.

YEAR 3: Still in therapy

I start doing a bunch of work to help people recover from the blip.

Mission mission mission

Tony and pepper get married (I am a bridesmaid)

I am "Auntie y/n" to Morgan. And I go there as much as I can to help them out.

revisit fwb with carol a few times when she visits

I go on a few dates with this soldier from work but he found out I was bi and that was that lmao.

YEAR 4: Still in therapy. Becoming progressively more resentful towards her and the world bc I am losing all hope.

Morgan actually says my name!!! well awnty wai/ien but close enough!!!

Gives me a bit of life.

I get injured on a mission and have to take 2 months off (which I spend with morgan and we bond some more)

I start dating Valkyrie, it started with me on her protection detail for a NATO meeting and press conference establishing Asgard as a country and her as king.

Work gets to be a lot tho so we decide to keep it casual.

Year 5: I had just left the tower to visit the Starks (just got back from a mission a for my two weeks every two months) when Scott came back.

Nat&steve: *roll up with scott*

me: *playing with Morgan outside* oh hey guys.

Morgan: *runs up to them* AUNTIE NAT! UNCLE CAP!!! *gets up to them and hugs nat and sees scott and hides behind her leg* who's he?

Scott: *looking at her, thinking about Cassie*

me:'re scott lang. The incredible shrinking convict.

Scott: Ant man. And you're Miss America, right?

me: yeah.

Scott: big fan.

me: why thank you

*They talk science, they don't talk tony into it, but I leave with them bc if there's a chance in hell I am going to help*

me: *in the back with Scott but has taken the aux* sooo. y'all talked to bruce yet? he might know something...

Steve: good idea.

Nat: *calls him*

*ffw like- 2 days of working on this. then Tony rolls up, puts scott thru time instead of time thru scott- I get the proper approval since my vacay time is up— and we call the other avengers*

Tony: anyway did you get the ok to go to — to the past?

me: yep. I am still an avenger and NATO wants me in it so this trumps the hand shaking I'd be doing this week.

Tony: I'm sorry

me: eh. That'd still be better than fighting powered terrorists in DC.

Tony: are you ok—

me: I have a therapist. Don't worry about it.

Tony: ...y/n/n

Me: I'm as good as I can be tony

*ffw: we get ready and I'm smiling and excited with Nat and Steve.*

Nat: See you in a minute.

*I go with Thor and Rocket to get the ether, I keep saying great scott but neither of them get my BTTF references. When we get back... uhm...*

Steve: where's Nat?

Clint: ...

Steve: ...

me: where's nat?!

Clint: she didn't make it...

me: *runs out and crumbles in the hallway, sobbing violently*

Tony: *stops steve and goes after me* Kiddo?

me: *cant speak*

Tony: ... *just holds me*

me: I wanted to see asguard— I should have been with them, i could have— *sob*

Tony: no. don't do that to yourself.

me: *actually falls apart*

*I get it together and take a shower, when I come back they are about to snap*

tony: hey, we were just waiting for you.

me: *holds clint*

Bruce: *snaps*

Laura: *Calls clint*

Clint: *picks up* It worked.

me: son of a bitch.

              *thanos attacks, I kill a few bitches.*

Strange: * shows up*

me: Strange I could kiss you.

Thor: I don't see why that's odd, he's very attractive

me: *laughs*

*I see wanda*

wanda: hey!!! this is a lovely reunion but where's Nat?

me: she- uhm... she didn't make it- trying to bring you all back.

Wanda: *kills all bad guys in our area and goes to fight thanos*

*Tony gets the stones*


Tony: I am Iron man. *snaps*

me: *running to him* no. no. what were you thinking?

Tony: I love you too, kid

me: no. *sobbing*

Peter: *talking to him*

Pepper: *pulls him back and hugs him*

me: *takes him so she can talk to tony*

*ffw: Steve leaves but instead of a last dance with Peggy- when he returns the soul stone he gets Nat back and they go live their lives quietly. He saved a pimm particle and when Nat passed he went back to our time and gave Sam the shield*

me: Dad?

Steve: I know you can live a beautiful life without me. I've seen it, I love you kiddo.

me: *doesn't cry. I can't anymore. and at least he got his happily ever after*

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