Flirting with your best friend

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July 2014

"And that's how you do this dance." Harry showed a few trainees how to dance. While he wasn't practicing Harry was the teaching the young trainees how to dance.

"You're so good it's insane how you seniors move!" Trainee Yujin say down exhausted. She has a cute face perfect for an idol.

"Thanks for helping me with my Korean oppa. I still have a long way to go." Thai trainee Sorn bowed.

"Sure, don't worry about it. Just keep studying and you'll be a bonafide Korean in no time." Harry chuckled.

Of all the girls who adores Harry was none other than Seungyeon. In fact, she shares somewhat of a crush on Harry. She would always be the one who request Harry for assistance. It's just that Harry is too caught up on his personal issues that he didn't notice her growing feelings.

"You're so good oppa. I'm really jealous you get to perform out there on stage. I wish I could dance with you." Seungyeon said somewhat bashful.

You got it though. You're already one heck of a dancer! I honestly don't think you need much of help. You've completed every single exercise I gave you." Harry smiled encouragingly.

"But I need more help!"

"Come on Seungyeon you're only saying that because you like him!" Yujin pointed out.

"No I don't! Stop saying such things! I just need more help!" She denied.

"I'll come back whenever I have time but I really got to go. Take care." Harry waved goodbye to all the trainees.

By now it was nighttime and all of his duties were done. With Cube wanting to create a new girl group Harry was selected to come train them.

"Huh I didn't know Chae called me?" He noticed that he had two missed calls from Chae. He quickly dialed up her phone.

"Sorry Chae for not answering. I was busy training a few kids, but I'm out now." Harry apologized in English.

"About time you pick up the damn phone! Thought you were purposely ignoring my calls. I even messaged you!" Chaerin said in a displeased voice.

Harry then saw the messages on his inbox. Now he really felt guilty.

"Okay that was my fault. If you're in the mood to hangout we eat somewhere. It can be whatever you like, I'll even pay to make it up for ignoring you." Harry offered. He wasn't the guy to get in petty drama. He knew Chae just wanted to hang out.

"Sure, just stop by the YG building and I'll be out. Don't be trying to run away this time!"

"Gosh Chae you make sound like I'm a terrible friend. Have I ever left you?"

"No, but you don't always answer when I want you to! Are you in the car?" Chae demanded. She was a feisty girl for sure though that's what he liked about her. Chae was the type of girl who spoke her mind even if it ruffled some feathers.

"Yes Chae I've just got in..." Harry sighed. This girl was almost too demanding at times.

"I'ma hang up right now. Just wait for me til I get there." Harry said before hanging up the phone. He drove from Cube all the way to the YG building.

Arriving on the same scene was a more mellow Chaerin waved at Harry. As usual Chaerin always had to make sure she dressed. He understood the need to impress but even he thinks this is too much. She wore the same thick eyeliner she does for ever live performances. Her lips too were cherry colored.

But what caught her attention was the dress she was wearing. It almost look liked she was going to the club.

"You seem to be captivated by me Harry. Did something catch your eye?..." She teased. She always pulled this everytime he looks at her. It was like she enjoyed teasing him.

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