Time for Heartbreak

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April 2012

Harry and Gina were standing across each other late at night. It wasn't his ideal place for a confession, but he figured it was now or never. He knew this type of obsession was not healthy so he wanted to get it over with. Gina's expression was getting him nervous. She was looking at him with interest wondering why he has called her here.

"I appreciate being here late night, but really this is a weird setting you have in mind. There's literally no people around here." Gina stated with curiosity.

"This wasn't the ideal place I wanted place. I've been trying to find some courage to speak with you but seeing Junhyung already in one. I'm finally gonna say it without fear.

"Truth is Gina you're someone very special to me. You've helped me so many ways I can count. You're beautiful, beautiful more than any woman I have ever met. Point is. I like you, like really like you. I know this type of things is forbidden, but I'm tired of wondering what ifs. I want to know if you feel the same way?" Harry calmed went through his words so she could understand. It was hard to tell what she is thinking.

"So this is what it's about Harry. You really gave me a hard question... I wasn't expecting you to confess so soon..."

"You mean you knew about it?"

"Yes... Harry you're a really great guy really, but we can't just jump into relationships. You're an idol first of all. If anything happens you would get in trouble. This isn't something you should get involved I-"

"You're dodging the question Gina! Please for the sake of me... Just answer. I've been hurting as time passes by. I can't hold it back. I can't express these feelings. You have any idea how much it takes to tell myself I was living in fantasy! That she couldn't possibly like a guy like me!!" Harry felt his breathing grow rapidly. He realized he let a little too much than he would like. Gina was even more torn of what to say.

"I was afraid this would happen... I should've been honest with you from the beginning." She placed both of her hands with his.

"Is she going to kiss me? I'm not ready for this!?"

Instead of being kissed on lips he felt his cheek being a kiss. He was perplexed at what happened.

"That's my apology for making you wait so long. You're a very good person Harry, but truth is I am conflicted just like you. Part of me wants to say yes, but another part thinks what we're doing is wrong. For the safety of the both of us let's leave our relationship as it is. I don't want us any conflict. You're a good friend and I don't want you to get hurt because of me. We're just not meant to be Harry..." Gina said admitting her true feelings.

Even through she was being very polite he picked up the pieces. She didn't like him back, scratch that she wasn't fully sure about his feelings and to prevent further confusion, she wants to keep friendship in other words, this romance isn't going to happen. It was a rejection.

He stood there stunned. He couldn't react and he broke down into tears. This hurts more than he could imagine.


"Harry I didn't mean to-"

"IS IT SO HARD TO SAY YES!? Is it so hard to just be with me!? I don't ask for much noona. I swear I won't make you feel uncomfortable! Fuck!! I shouldn't have signed this contract! I should've just stayed focused on my career! I've let myself get swayed by you."


"Just go noona. I don't want to do something I might regret..." Harry got back, his eyes wet from crying.

Gina hesitantly gets back in the car and drives off leaving Harry all alone.

Love was nothing like the K-dramas showed.

He was a fool...

Harry walked hidden in the shadows unaware of where he was going.

To be continued...

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