(3)~★Aid my needs★~

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-Y/n's POV-

Hell was in chaos as every exorcist is killing every sinner in sight.

The streets was filled with screams,sinners running to save themselves of being killed.

I was chasing a sinner that looks to have cat like features making her a but faster that me but I managed to catch her anyway.

By throwing my halo towards the sinners and manage to hit their wrist trapping them on to a wall.

Before they could pull the halo and continue running I quickly sliced their head cleanly off using my angelic spear.

I might seem sweet but when it came to things like this I get shit done.

I then wiped the blood that had hit my face as I had my mask of due to how uncomfortable I felt wearing it while doing these.

I was going to retrieve my halo back from the now decapitated body but then I suddenly felt like I was...

Being watched....

-Lucifer POV-

I was taking a little walk as I wanted to see how the extermination day actually goes.

And DAMN..the exorcists were brutal...making me kinda reconsider on agreeing to the extermination in the first place.

Every thing seemed normal at first...If that's how'd you put it..

Exorcists chasing and killing sinners left and right wreaking havoc upon hell.

I walked around more and suddenly saw something that had caught my attention.

I saw a sinner was suddenly pinned on the wall by what seems to be...a halo..on their wrist...?

And suddenly an exorcist quickly slicing their head off making their blood spill out from the head as It fell to the floor.

I also noticed that the exorcist mask was off..they were wearing a mask this whole time...?

Anyway,I then wanted to get a closer them. As whoever they were I was intrigued by them..

As they were going to retrieve they're halo they suddenly stopped..before grabbing their halo anyway making the sinners body from the wall fall to the floor.

They then looked at their halo for a few seconds before suddenly throwing the halo towards me.

I manage to quickly dodge their halo and it had hit the wall forming a crack in the wall as it stuck to the wall.

Suddenly,I felt that there was something cold beside my neck as I look in front of me and saw that the exorcist was right in front of me with their spear pointed towards me.

Then her expression changed from a serious one to a more softer one as her eyes widen a bit.

"Oh,...It's you.." She says as pulled her spear away from my neck

"You...know me..?" I asked her as she rests one of her hands on her hips and the other holding on to her angelic spear.

Her (E/c) eyes look into mine "I assume that you're..Lucifer Morningstar...though" she then put both of her hands behind her back and walked closer to me.

"You don't look much like what Adam described..You look..." She then got her face close to mine which made me feel like there was things in my stomach...something that I haven't felt since.....


"Way..prettier...and shorter than I thought.." She mumbled the next part to which I pretended that I didn't hear.

"Uh,Y-yup..that's me!" I say as I chuckle nervously.

No Lucifer you can't feel this way.!..You both just meet for fuck's sake.

She then smiles softly at my response "..Well then,Your majesty...I should be going now" She says as she walks past me to retrieve her halo that was stuck to the wall.

"To go where..?..Uh..asking for..work purposes..." I don't know why but I felt like I wanted her to stay a bit longer.

She then chuckles and put her halo back on her head which floated gracefully on her head "To kill more sinners..You do know I'm an exorcist right?" She then turns to face me and asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Huh,Oh..yeah..duh!" I chuckle awkwardly as I then look to her hand and I saw that there was golden blood dripping from it..angelic blood...

"Hey,uhh..you got something-..your hand...?" I asked her to a pointed to her hand that was bleeding.

She then looked to the palm of her hand "Oh...this..I messed up a bit earlier and a sinner managed to stab my hand...they're dealt with now so it's fine now..it'll heal eventually"

I then spawned a first aid kit into my hand as I wanted to help her with it.

She then saw that I was holding a first aid kit and widen her eyes a bit "Oh!,...you really don't have to..I can do that back in heaven later.."

"That cut is pretty deep..If you don't wrap it now it might leave a permanent scar later" I say as I reach for her hand.."May I..?"

She looks at my hand before giving me a soft smile and placing her hand on mine "...sure.."

I then bring her towards a conveniently placed bench nearby and we both sat on it.

She then placed her spear beside the bench as I start to wipe the blood of her hand.

The place we were in was pretty secluded and out of view so no exorcist or sinner manage to see us both here.

The silence between us was a bit awkward but I broke the silence by asking something "Uh,so...what your name..?"

"Oh,my name's Y/n.."

"Y/n...that's a pretty name" I mumble under my breath while mainly focusing on wrapping her wound.

For a second I thought that I saw her cheeks turn a bit red as she then quickly looks away resting her chin on her uninjured hand.

I was probably just seeing things.

As finished up wrapping her wound I heard bell chimes from the heaven's embassy meaning that the extermination was officially over.

"And...done! " I said after I had neatly tied the bandage securely to her hand.

She then moved her hand to take a closer look at it and smiled "Thank you..."

"Ahh...It wasn't that big of a deal" I then took the first aid kid and despawned it using my magic.

Y/n just chuckles softly "Well then, I'll be taking my leave now.." she says as got up and and grabbed her spear that was placed on the side of the bench.

Right..she's an exorcist...It's a shame she couldn't stay for a bit longer..

"Oh right...See you on the next extermination day then...?" I asked as I also got up from the bench.

She looked at me for a few seconds than smiled softly "..Sure"

God,she was fine..

She then bowed down in front of me "It was a pleasure meeting you,your majesty" She said politely

I was a bit shocked at this at first but then chuckles "No need for the formalities..Just call me Lucifer"

"Well,see you soon then..Lucifer.." She says her back facing towards me as she looked over her shoulder.

"Y-yeah you too..."

She smiles softly as she extended her wings and flew away..

Hmm...Maybe not all of them are as bad as I thought...


A/n:My boy's finally here! I will update this book each week soo stay tunedddd


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