Deny Deny Deny

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Daisy's VO: Have you ever wondered why you were born? What your purpose in this world could be? Daisy had wondered that quite literally her whole life. Being born the twin sister to Jacob Black, being born the granddaughter of Ephraim Black, being an alpha of her own rogue pack, being an Inhuman, everything that made her, her, well... It makes you wonder if her purpose was to be an alpha, to be a soldier, or to be the doctor she'd always wanted to be? When you have three destinies, which one do you choose? Why can't she be all of them? Will she ever regret what she chose? There are so many questions and so few answers. And maybe that's just life. A mystery that you hope to solve, and yet never do. You can go your whole life trying to find the answers you seek, and maybe you'll find a few of them, but never all of them. Life is an adventure, and maybe that's okay. Maybe it's okay not to know everything, maybe that's what makes life worth living. The mystery and the thrill of the unknown.

(Bailey and the interns are at the bar)

MVO: The key to surviving a surgical internship is denial. We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed, and most importantly, we deny that we're in denial.

(Izzie grabs her drink and walks over to the table where George, Daisy, and Meredith are sitting with their own drinks and nibbles. Daisy had a simple beer with some chicken wings that she was sharing with Meredith.)

George: I don't know. When I left, Cristina said she was ok.

Izzie: Nobody goes what she went through and is totally over it by now.

Daisy: Well, people react to things differently. Maybe this is her way of reacting to the news.

George: Cristina can.

Meredith: She's fine.

Daisy: Yeah, if she says she's okay, then I say we should all leave it be. If she needs something, she'll hopefully come to us on her own free will. Don't push it.

Izzie: Too fine. She's cold.

George: No, she's hardcore. She's got ice in her veins. She does what she has to do to get through it.

Izzie: She lost a baby. She lost a fallopian tube and she's acting like she doesn't even care. She's all "Hello, I'm a totally fine person." Ok, she's my friend too but she's acting like she has no emotions or warmth, like she's missing a soul.

Daisy: Hey! That's so rude Izzie. Not everyone has to act in a certain way to losing a baby. She didn't even want the baby in the first place, I don't see how any of this is even our business. It happened, Cristina is fine, we should leave it alone.

George: God, she's gonna make a great surgeon.

Izzie: George!

George: It's true. You show no weakness, you make it to the top.

Daisy: Nor true, you don't have to act emotionless to be a good surgeon. You should care for your patients, but never get too attached. That's what makes a good surgeon. Someone who will do everything in their power to save their patient, but also someone who knows when to let go. Someone who can compartmentalize is perfect for the job. Ignoring your emotions could be bad for you, but learning how to deal with them and keep them separated from the job is the tell tale signs of someone who will go far in life.

Meredith: Some people just keep their feelings to themselves.

Meredith agreed with Daisy, not having emotions is not healthy when dealing with patients. But having too many emotions is also bad. You have to find the perfect balance.

Whilst Cristina is a good surgeon, she tends to surpress all of her emotions, whilst Izzie is the complete opposite, she gets far too attached to her emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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