4: After Party

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Eli's POV

After having that conversation with Eli, I felt so bad. I'm looking like the bad guy right here. What do I do? Once Eli left, my family came in:

"What was he doing here? Did he come to kill you?"

"No Dad, it's fin--"

"Did you find your mate?" My mom interrupted me.

I shook my head saying no 

"Then who gave you that kiss on the neck? Are you lying to --"

"No mum. I'm not lying. I don't have a mate." My face contorted into a face of worry and hurt because Aiden might have heard me. He is going to misjudge because he doesn't know why I lied. I lied because no one in our pack was gay, when my mom heard that there were now gays in other packs, she was livid and pissed. I couldn't understand why but I knew my mom would never accept me as a gay man, so I should probably reject Aiden, but even that thought hurt.

It should hurt, you dumbass. We don't care about what she thinks. All I know is that my mate is hurting but I don't know where. My wolf, Liam, said. Speaking sense to me. Thank you very much. So what you are going to do is, call the guy, and tell him to meet you somewhere and you are going to explain everything in detail, so there is no miscommunication. Oka--

When my parents saw my hurt face, they must have thought it was because I didn't find my mate. "Eli, you don't have to worry about that. You'll find her soon." My mom said. My dad nodded in response and I gulped hard.

"Oh yeah. Eli don't forget about your after party. You might actually find your mate there, now that I think about it. Also, your sister is coming tomorrow, so don't drink too much." I nodded my head.

After a while, I go downstairs and I see a disco ball and no one who is probably older than 25 and younger than 16 is there. This is nice. I turn back when I feel a presence behind me and I see her. What the actual fuck? Because I don't want to cause a scene, so I am going to ignore her. Liam is growling inside. She is the only reason we didn't get to spend the night with our mate and partially your fault too. Hey, it's not my fault. He looked a little reluctant anyway. As I was going down the stairs, the DJ interrupted the party mentioning my name. Everyone's head swung in my direction and I was loving it. 

This is fun. I look around for a particular someone, a boy with brown chestnut hair and the most beautiful green eyes. I couldn't find him and my disappointment grew inside. However, hope rose once I saw his beta. It means he was here somewhere and I have to find him. I go around socializing.

As I was socializing, I scanned the room, trying to catch a glimpse of Aiden among the crowd of dancing and chatting animatedly. And then I see him, standing by the bar with his beta, a tall and imposing figure with an expression you couldn't decipher, drinking. I never knew Aiden drank but then, I never saw him do anything anyway. I make my way through the crowd of people, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling up inside me.

As I approach them, Aiden's beta looks at me with a knowing glint in his eyes. Without a word, he excuses us both, leaving Aiden and me alone by the bar. I can feel the weight of his gaze on me, and I swallow hard, unsure of what to say or do next.

"Could I have a beer?" When the bartender goes to get my drink

"Why are you so hot?" Aiden blurts out, his voice barely above a whisper breaking through the tension that had been building between us, his eyes searching mine for a sign of understanding. "I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again because I thought you would reject me," he admits softly, his voice tinged with a hint of fear.

Eli's heart clenches at the confession, a rush of protectiveness welling up inside him. My face contorts into one of pity and remorse. "No, don't think that," he responds earnestly, reaching out to gently hold. Aiden's hand moves closer to himself, so I pull my hand back. Aiden shakes his head slightly, not wanting to show any more vulnerability than he already has, he quickly interjects, 

"No, don't show that face. Too many people do already. Are there any cameras here?" Aiden asks quickly. When I confirm there are none, he leans in closer to me. The noise of the party fades into the background as Aiden's focus narrows on my lips, and I on his. So close yet still out of reach, his lips mere inches away from Eli's, and whispers, "Good."

He shifts slightly, his movements slightly unsteady, a hint of alcohol lingering on his breath. Before I can react, he kisses me softly. Shock courses through me at the unexpected gesture, and I freeze for a moment.

"I'm sorry," Aiden mumbles. He thought he did something wrong, just because I didn't respond. Dumbass. You are so stupid. Kiss him. His lip is so soft. Before my wolf could say any other thing, I kissed Aiden.

The world around us seemed to fade away as our lips touched each other. The kiss is gentle yet filled with longing. For a moment, time stands still as we embrace the inevitable pull drawing us together. In that fleeting moment, all doubts and uncertainties vanish, leaving only the warmth of Aiden's touch and the promise.

The kiss deepens, becoming more urgent and passionate as we lose ourselves in each other. My tongue slipped into his mouth, taking control, eliciting a mona from him which made my body hot. Aiden's hand cups my face tenderly. His touch sends shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me that I never knew existed. Every brush of his fingers against my skin feels like electricity, setting my entire body ablaze with desire.

As we finally pull away, breathless and flushed, Aiden rests his forehead against Eli's, eyes closed as if trying to hold on to the moment for just a little while longer. He opens his eyes, and Aiden looks at me with a mixture of adoration and vulnerability in his eyes.

Without a word, I take his hand in mine and lead him away from the noisy crowd, seeking out a quieter corner where we can be alone, my room. The dim lighting casts soft shadows on his face, highlighting the contours of his features that I had come to know so well.

"I've wanted this for so long," Aiden whispers, his voice barely audible above the distant music. "To be close to you, to feel your touch, do you know how long I've been waiting for you? It hurt and then seeing a kiss on your neck hurt more." He looked like he was about to cry.

I reach out to brush a stray strand of hair from his forehead,

"I'm sorry for making you wait long."

"No, it's fine."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I don't get any response, only snoring. He was asleep. I loved cuddling, so I wrapped my hands against his waist and I kiss his forehead

"Good night." I think I heard a hum. This is so nice. I sleep with a smile on my face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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