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This was unfair. This whole journey. Her highness did not deserve this level of disrespect. These escorts dared to dirty her honor every chance they got. Just how low would they continue to stoop just to break her highnesses pride and honor. It was hard to look at. And I, a mere maid had no right to interfere with foreign presence. My poor princess had little to no authority in this foreign country. It was almost like these untrained escorts were use to using this kind of treatment on their foreigners.

I'd prayed for this behavior to vanish once we reached the Obelian empires capital. Till when is this sort of treatment acceptable. To think I had once respected this poorly behaved empire is just laughable.

The journey was more lengthy than I would have preferred for my princess, but it wasn't my say. We both had no sense of direction on this alien land. For every corner I had turned there was something new that nether me nor the princess had seen.


It seemed as though half of Christine's prayers had been answered. As to the pairs delight, the group had finally reached the capital of Obelia. It was bustling with people. But one day thing seemed amiss. Like they didn't know who Aurelia was at all. It was fascinating to the princess, yet she didn't know why. Although she couldn't seem to mind it one bit, for she enjoyed the way the commoners had greeted her. As if she was one of their own.

"Miss come along here!" A young boy said excitedly, pointing out to the barrels of water with apples floating atop. And another sound from a little girl, "Look miss! I made this for you!" While she held up a beautifully crafted crown flower. To say the least, Aurelia felt as if she was home. Even though it seemed like they were in the midst of a celebration for something else, the princess really didn't care. She loved how the people looked at her as if she has always been there.

But, something didn't seem right. This, to Aurelia's knowledge looked like the celebration of a new emperor. Why though? As far as Aurelia knew, the coronation of emperor Anastacius had been a year or so ago. This seemed like a good time for Aurelia to at least ask around.

She walked around, bringing along Christine with her. It still bothered her that the escorts that had been with them throughout the journey were no longer with them. Like they disappeared completely.

"Princess? Where are we going? I'd thought you liked it here?", Aurelia's maid bombarded her with questions. While in a rush she had no time to answer her for she was in a desperate search for her answers of her own. As she picked up her pace Aurelia could sense someone following her now. Looking in direction after direction she could find who it was.
Until turning forward again, she bump into something, stumbling back into her maids arms.

"Princess Aurelia?" The girl looked up, spotting hair similar to her own. Red hair? I don't know anyone like that, especially since my brother wasn't gifted that sort of color. Moving forward a little, her curiosity took over her.

"Please forgiven me, but...do I know you?" She asked worryingly. How would someone approach this situation? Right now, Aurelia was lost. Not knowing where in the world she was. So talking to a stranger was not ideal when they were in such a suspicious area. In this dusty old dark dead end of a place no one would care to find her. Startled out of her thoughts, the man starts speaking again.

"Oh no, please forgive me. For I am one with assumptions. My name is Felix Robane, a close second hand to the current emperor. But I was notified that you'd be arriving soon. For...um, an arrangement between you and the previous emperor."  Wasn't the previous emperor an old man, a father to the current? Aurelia thought hard this time. But decided to ask about what ideas came through her mind.

"But I thought the previous emperor had already fathered a son, the current emperor, Anastacius? Why would I have been marrying him? I thought I was arranged to marry his son!" Aurelia's face shifted in disgust. To think she was marrying a man as old as her own father made her sick to her core. While in her own world, Felix's face paled. Sensing a misunderstanding growing, he immediately jumped to help her get a better grasp of the situation. "Princess! That is not what I meant, sorry to cause you so much distress." He sighed in utter embarrassment. "This will be hard explain by myself. Please do come with me, for I've been asked to take you to the palace." And without question she followed, only her and her maids hungry minds flouting above.


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