• Prologue

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Aurelia once had it all, a life filled with loving parents and a doting older brother. She always got the best and the newest. And not a soul could seem to outshine her. Arlanta was where she thrived, where she made history. But as all good things come to someone whose beauty was as ethereal as hers, there will always be a downfall.

A downfall where it didn't matter how much more beautiful she got, because there would always be one person to shine brighter than her in one aspect. That was how much loved compared to Aurelia the latter received. Because for the first time, Aurelia was at the top of everyone but had a heartfelt feeling of being at all their mercy's.

She didn't ask for help, no way was that possible. That was a foreign word for the once bright star of the Arlanta empire. Even if Aurelia could, what use would that bring her. Just some more riches she received every time she noticed how harshly she began to be treated. Despite her status being so high. In this case, isn't what mattered to the people. What did was how much one received the love of their radiant sun.


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