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For the next few days, Wei Wuxian only left the Jingshi during meal times, he didn't want to come face-to-face with the grandmaster, neither did he have any reason to roam around the Cloud Recesses. Even when he was in the Jingshi, he never bothered Lan Zhan, just sat in a corner playing with parchment and ink. When Lan Wangji tried to look at what he was scribbling, he would hide it under the sleeves of his new robes, courtesy of Lan Xichen.

On normal days, Wei Wuxian had a tendency of getting on people's nerves, without really trying to, now that he was well-behaved, it bothered Lan Qiren even more. The only glimpse of the mischievous and youthful Wei Wuxian from before that they would get was when he spent a little time with little A-Yuan and his friend Lan Qi.  Lan Qiren had discussed this with his nephews, instructing Wangji to keep an eye on and try and speak to the younger but to no avail, Wei Wuxian had been avoiding them and even his own sister like the plague.

Currently Wei Wuxian was on his way to escape from the big dining hall after having his lunch, when a young disciple came "running" or more precisely powerwalking because running was prohibited and bowed to Lan Qiren who was just a few steps behind him, informing him that the Leader of the Jaing Sect was at the gate of Cloud Recesses seeking an audience with the Yiling Patriarch. Wei Wuxian's ears perked as he listened intently, his eyes widened a little as he wondered what Jaing Cheng had to say to him.

"Escort him to the Lanshi.", Lan Qiren replied eyeing Wei Wuxian who only followed his former teacher quietly. Lan Xichen along with his brother and Baixue also walked by his side although they weren't even asked to accompany. Wei Wuxian laughed in his head, they looked like his bodyguards.

When they walked into and took their positions in the Lanshi, Wei Wuxian noticed that the temporary arrangement for him to rest there had already been removed, and the furniture was rearranged into its previous position. He nodded in affirmation to his thoughts indeed the room reeked of richness and elegance. He only noticed that Jaing Cheng had already taken his seat opposite Grandmaster Lan when he heard Lan Qiren speak, "Sect Leader Jaing, what brings you here?"

"I have come to have a word with him.", he said gesturing towards Wei Wuxian his tone angry and arrogant like always. Wei Wuxian was already indifferent to Jaing Cheng's impolite tone, however, it did not sit well with the other people present.

"I am here. I am here.", Wei Wuxian chirped noticing the grave expression on everybody.

"Of course you are. I can see it.", Wei Wuxian internally sighed, Jaing Cheng's arrogant tone had never bothered him before but somehow it made him feel uneasy this time. His smile quickly vanished and he spoke wearing a grave expression, "Fine. I know you are not blind. What is the matter?"

"Return to Yunmeng with me.", Sect Leader Jaing 's words echoed in the room, followed by a few silent minutes before Lan Wangji replied on Wei Wuxian's behalf holding him by the sleeve, "No."

Jaing Wanyin was known for his lack of patience, he didn't like being rejected, what bothered him even more was that it wasn't even Wei Wuxian himself who dared to refuse, "You are not the one I speak to. "

"What makes you think you are qualified?", Lan Wangji glared back at him with equal intensity.

"You-", before Jaing Cheng could retort, he was interrupted by Wei Wuxian again, "Enough! Both of you. Jaing Cheng, why do you want me to go back to Yunmeng?"

Jaing Wanyin's frown deepened at that, "What do you mean? You have been here for long enough, whatever the problem was, it must have already been resolved, isn't it time for you to return and fulfill your promises."

"Jaing Cheng I am not going back.", Wei Wuxian said looking at a distance, "It makes no sense to go back to the place I have already left once. If I return it will bring more harm than good to the Sect."

"Wei Wuxian!", if he was angry before, now he was furious. Not only did Wei Wuxian refuse to return to Yunmeng, he also refused to look at him.

"You heard him. Sect Leader Jaing, he doesn't want to go.", Baixue said standing in front of her brother.

"Since when have other people started answering on your behalf? Wei Wuxian! You would rather stay here as their prisoner than go back home?"

"Jaing Cheng! Apologise right now. Scold me however you want, don't drag other people into it.", Wei Wuxian rebuked in a gentle yet firm manner.

"Why should I apologise? Did I say something wrong? Who is she? Who is the Second Young Master Lan? Isn't what I said true?"

"Who told you he was a prisoner here?", this time it was Lan Qiren, who stood beside Baixue, "Sect Leader Jaing, you are standing in Cloud Recesses right now, as a sect elder and your former teacher I advise you to speak more carefully. This isn't Lotus Pier. He is not a criminal being detained. I did not bring him here with the intention to imprison him, neither do I intend to do it in the future. He can stay here as long as he wants. If he wants to leave someday, no one's stopping him. On the contrary, your words sounded more like a prisonment sentence to me. Didn't he already secede from the Yunmeng Jaing, why are you trying to give him orders now? He has clearly refused to go back with you. Can't you respectfully acknowledge his wish? To answer your previous question, she is his sister. As for who the Second Young Master Lan is, you should know better than to ask while standing in his territory."

"Then I apologise to you Grandmaster Lan but I came today to take my subordinate back and I won't leave without him.", Jaing Wanyin bowed to the Grandmaster while speaking.

Wei Wuxian simply stood up and walked out the door without paying any heed to Jaing Cheng's words. He hadn't even walked a few steps into the courtyard when his eyes widened as he heard lightning cackling, he prepared himself for taking the hit but it never came, he turned around only to see that Baixue stood behind him blocking Zidian with her sword, while Lan Zhan was on his side holding him by the waist.

"It's fine if you don't want to go back with me. I'll let you secede permanently. But before that, duel with me, I won't use Zidian, you can't use your flute, a sword fight is what I want. If you win, you can stay, but if I win, you will come back with me.", Jaing Cheng said glaring at him, he looked between Baixue and Lan Wangji and smirked, "Or do you need someone else to fight your battles too?"

Wei Wuxian's eyes narrowed, "Why do you want me to go back?"

"Hasn't my father always treated you well? Hasn't my sister always been good to you? Why do you not want to go back?"

"How they treated me has nothing to do with you. Answer my question first. Why?"

"Why? Didn't you promise to help me? Didn't you promise my parents to protect me? If my father hadn't given you the title of first disciple, wouldn't you just have been the son of a servant? How dare you question me?", Wei Wuxian's eyes narrowed further by hearing his words, "So it turns out, after all this time, I have been nothing more than a servant to your family."

Jaing Wanyin's imposing demeanour wavered hearing Wei Wuxian, a look of guilt flashed across his face, but before he could speak anything further, Wei Wuxian beat him to it, his silver eyes looking straight into his own amethyst ones, "Fine then, lets have a duel."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Jaing Cheng's face hardened, "Ok."

"Unwarranted duels are prohibited in Cloud Recesses. Sect Leader Jaing, Young Master Wei, you can't fight here.", Lan Xichen spoke, trying to dissolve the tension that was building up.

"Then sanction it Zewu-Jun, consider it a favour. I will make sure to repay it. I am not going back to Lotus Pier today.", Wei Wuxian said, his eyes never leaving his former martial brother's.

Lan Xichen looked at his Uncle who only nodded, "Well then. I'll allow it this once."

Wei Wuxian knew that he was jumping into a death well by agreeing to this duel. He knew how strong Jaing Cheng would be, he knew because after all it was his own power but even without a golden core, he knew that he could hold against Jaing Cheng for more than two hours. He was also confident that even if spiritual energy was missing in his body, he could still easily defeat Jaing Cheng. The only problem was that this was if his body was healthy, now he was weaker than before, he couldn't be sure if he would win. In any case, he had already agreed to it, now all he could do was play along until the end and pray that he came out of it safe and alive.

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