20. Again

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Lan Qiren along with his older nephew and Baixue was standing at the door of Jingshi, he could swear that he had knocked at least a dozen times, he had even gone as far as calling out to his younger nephew a couple times but there had been no response.

Now, he knew that it was quite possible that Wei Wuxian had not woken up from his comatose state yet but what was wrong with Wangji, it was already after eight in the morning, he hadn't shown up for breakfast and wasn't responding to the several knocks on his door. He couldn't help but worry and so he finally decided to try his luck and pushed the door a little.

To his surprise, it opened. The door wasn't locked, what was wrong with Wangji, this wasn't like him at all. He was still hesitant to enter so it was Lan Xichen and Baixue who took the lead and walked in first, as soon as they entered, both of them froze staring at the same spot. Lan Qiren followed their line of sight and what he saw made his brow twitch and he frowned. There he was, his prized nephew, in bed hugging the infamous patriarch, but his frown soon vanished when he saw the little boy who was lying between the two men face-down, holding both of their fingers with his tiny hands. In that moment all he saw was a happy family. But they weren't officially married yet. They weren't even courting and he was sure that at least one of them had no idea about their feelings. "Inappropriate", "Why did I take the responsibility to raise them?", "Am I really too old?", were mostly the thoughts that ran through his mind looking at this shameless display, "At least lock the door", he murmured before clearing his throat in an attempt to wake the two shameless men but to no avail. "Wake them up.", he said looking at Lan Xichen, who had a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Uncle, how about we just let them...", before he could complete his sentence, he was interrupted by his Uncle, "No, time is of essence."

So Lan Xichen went towards his brother's bed still smiling from ear-to-ear and said in a sing song voice while shaking Wei Wuxian's body a little, "Wangji, wake up little brother, it's already morning. Young Master Wei, we are here to talk.", Lan Wangji sat up immediately when he heard his brother's voice. Wei Wuxian however was a different story, he just turned over and mumbled five more minutes before going back to sleep, in a matter of seconds.

To say that Lan Wangji was embarrassed having been caught in such a scenario would be an understatement. It did not help that Wei Ying did not want to wake up, however much the two brothers tried. Even A-Yuan had woken up from the commotion but Wei Ying didn't budge.  He remembered that he had in fact woken up at five as usual but could not leave the bed because a certain someone had decided that his chest was better than the soft pillow that was provided to him, this was also when A-Yuan had woken up, crawled over from his crib and burried himself in the little space between the two men.

When Lan Qiren realised that both his nephews had failed at waking up the troublemaker, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He remembered once hearing the now Jaing Sect Leader, waking Wei Wuxian up with just one word so he tried his luck and said, "A dog." True to his assumptions, Wei Wuxian was up within a second, "Where? Where is the dog?"

Wei Wuxian sighed when he saw there was no dog but froze when he realised where he was and who was the one to wake him up. He looked at the three Lans and the young lady and quickly kneeled on the bed, "Let me tell you, it was Lan Zhan who insisted on sleeping with me. It has nothing to do with me."

"Wei Ying", Lan Wangji said stiffly and Lan Xichen coughed in order to cover up his laugh. Wei Wuxian could see  that Lan Qiren's face was completely red, and then he realised, what he had said, "Wait, old man, I mean Master Lan, I didn't mean it that way, I just...No, no, how could you even thin...mnn...mnn..." Before he could continue rambling, Lan Qiren silenced him, turned around and left with the instructions, "Freshen up and meet with us in Lanshi. We shall discuss further course of action there."

Before completely disappearing from the room he added, "Xichen, bring the child with you."

Lan Xichen bowed and picked up A-Yuan who happily climbed into his arms before walking out of the room with Baixue leaving behind two very awkward and confused men.

"Mnn mnnn mnnn mnnnnnn..."
"Lan Zhaaaan, oh finally!", Wei Wuxian sighed.

"Wait Lan Zhan!", he shouted when he saw Lan Zhan disappearing behind the privacy screen. He followed Lan Zhan, stood just where he saw him enter and continued, "Lan Zhan, I didn't mean for it to come out like that." When there was still no response, he spoke again, "Lan Zhan, I swear I am sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Lan Zhan! Besides it really was you who pinned me-", before he could even finish speaking, he was pulled behind the screen by a strong hand and pinned against the wall yet again.

If he didn't know any better, he would've thought he was under attack, what he couldn't understand was why Lan Zhan had become so comfortable touching and being so close to him. Or was he possessed? The thought was dismissed as soon as it had come because, if that was the case, he would've known. "Lan Zhan, what are you doing? Do you think this behaviour is appropriate for the prestigious second young master of the Lan clan?", he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Shhh..", Lan Zhan placed one finger on his lips, while his other hand was still holding his own behind his back. Wei Wuxian noticed that one of his own hands had landed on Lan Zhan's firm chest and his breath hitched. They were close, too close but it didn't feel wrong. He wanted to be even closer but was that even possible? "Lan Zhan", he whispered while looking at him in the eye and he could swear that he saw the golden eyes darken. Lan Zhan moved even closer, their lips just a centimetre apart and then he turned his face to be close to Wei Ying's ear, and whispered in a husky voice, his warm breath sending shivers down the younger's spine, "Don't make me lose control. Learn....  To be quiet."

And with that he was gone, leaving a very very stunned and immobile Wei Wuxian behind. His hand went to his chest, where his heart galloped like a wild horse, "What in the world?"

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