0. Bad Ending is but a first step in a new Beginning

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A boy laid on his bed, as he turned on the TV for its sole purpose, making background noises. He never really paid attention to what was on. With it, the sound of other voice made him feel less lonely.

Upon turning on, the TV displayed an ongoing NEWS show.

"The peace treaty with the Dalki race has lasted for five years now, but officials are saying that tension is rising once again. Now, we must prepare for another war..."

The mention of war had always been shown on the TV nonstop ever since a certain day thirty years ago. The human race received a visit from the so-called Dalki. They had the physique of humans, except for their skins that were riddled with scales and the presence of tails that were similar to what the dragons had.

With no real clue of why they had suddenly appeared, they immediately demanded that the Human race hand over their resources and wanted to use them as slaves. Of course, the humans decided to fight back, but they quickly found out that their modern technology was useless against them. Bullets couldn't penetrate their skin, and as for tanks, well, Dalki had airships.

Every individual, disregarding the gender, was told to fight for their planet, and that included a lonely boy's parents. Whose room was in absolute disarray and chaos. The war went on for years, so he grew up not knowing what his parents looked like.

When the humans were on the brink of defeat, a select group of people came forward.

These people had special abilities. They began sharing their knowledge of how they obtained such power in hopes of turning the tide in the war, and thankfully, it worked. Even so, the Dalki were still strong, and a seemingly endless stalemate led to the peace treaty signing five years ago.

Obviously enough, human greed got the better of humanity, and instead of sharing these powers with everybody else, the higher-ranked governmental officials decided to keep them for themselves. Only those with money could learn the more powerful abilities while everyone else was left with scraps.

It was something that needed to be done. Poverty had taken over the world, but people had powers and were using them uncontrollably, unlike before.

The lonely boy finally picked something up as his fish-dead purple eyes stared at small plastic plate. "William Kagemoto... Such a fucking joke, am I not?" he said completely depressed. His sleeves revealed bandages around his hands. Under his shirts more, around neck.

Overall, his body was covered with bandages.

William was given nothing. Absolutely nothing when his parents died whom he didn't know, he was alone in this apartment which was covered by government until his enrollment in Military school which is tomorrow.

He released a loud, and long sigh as he looked between different items he had gathered for decreasing his vital signs to null.

A knife. Pills. Rope. Toaster.

[ Would you like to make a deal? ]

In front of his face appeared an ominous, gray game-like system screen. He started laughing "Even hallucinations!" He kept laughing as he was suddenly zapped lightly.

[ You will be given a Happy Ending... while abandoning this life. But in your place, another 'you' will fuse his body with yours. And continue this life... in this grievous world ]

He stopped and read the screen. Patiently while still giggling a tad like a little lassie.

"Happy Ending you say!? I'd love to know more!" He shouted as suddenly. Through his eyes few visions went through. Of another him, happy... with all he was missing. As without thinking he simply pressed yes.

[ Other you. Will not receive anything which crossed through you as Mental Problems. As only your information will fuse to him. Goodbye. ]

As his body went into autonomous mode, his body started tidying up the apartment. Getting rid of evidence and it was changing during the process. Holding true to the 'fusion' part.


As the two changed their spots... but unknown to this William. The fate of that one's body didn't grant him happiness for long.




Have fun, since it is finally back!

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