Just One Day; Part 2

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Changbin relishes in his budding friendship with you through perfect imperfections, cake, and a nap. 

Stretching out, you folded your body over the bathroom counter, feeling your hand get wet as you wiped the fog off the mirror. You were vaguely aware of your pajama shirt riding upward. The cold granite of the counter was flush against your exposed skin, making you quietly hiss at the chill, receding back onto your feet. You make eye contact with a similarly dressed Changbin in the mirror, black shirt, and plaid pants casually hanging off his form, damp hair beginning to curl on his forehead. Seeing him simply being imperfectly human, made the corners of your lips lift into a grin. His face was soft, his bare skin dewy in the sauna-like room- his expression much different than the steady one he carried previous times you had seen him. His pink lips were resting as he did his skin-care routine, thick fingers massaging ointment into his round cheeks. Said lips quirked upward slightly, gazing at you as you raised your already prepped toothbrush to your mouth. The silence was consumed by the small noises of life, the faintest of footsteps traveling across the house outside, the bristles scrubbing your teeth, and the lotion forced out of the pump of Changbin's bottle.

As you worked your way around your mouth, your mind drifted. It felt so casual to be here. To be brushing your teeth in a bathroom that wasn't yours. To have touched and cared for a body that wasn't your own. To be in this place, feet bare on the cold tile, the dewy skin of your arm right against Changbin's, body in its wholeness taking up the space it deserved. To have met the soul of a wolf that you didn't dare call 'mine.'

But Changbin felt like yours.

So did Jisung.

As did Minho.

Jeongin too.

And Felix.

Especially Felix.

Your beta had claimed him long before you had allowed it to, not that it bothered to ask for permission. The thought made you smile, despite yourself. But of course, you had to learn how to deal with the heartbreak that was inevitably to come.

You wouldn't allow yourself to become more than a friend.

That's what this all had been. That's just what it was- a friend helping a friend. You helped Felix, and in turn, decided to help the pack as well. You were so glad you could help and teach them, but you needed to get your head on straight. This wasn't going to be good for you- you were already too deep to not get hurt. You knew that.

You had fallen for Lee Felix a long time ago. And you were quickly on the edge of falling for some of his pack too.

It was nothing like you had ever felt before- the desperate urge to care, to love, to feel these wolves in a pack bond. It was like a raging storm inside of you, seas wild and desperate, wind violent as it tried to break the mast, the one last piece you had in control. As soon as the sail is torn to shreds, the ship will inevitably sink.

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