Chapter 12: Two Broken Dads

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TW: Mentions of Abuse and descriptions of Abuse.

The vast hordes of creeping endermen marched, their eyes glowing in the black sea as pinpricks of purple. Each of the many footsteps marked the hovering Endstone islands, shaking the very sands beneath them. Yet, as powerful as the possible hundreds were, none dared step out of line. Behind all of them, on a ginormous statue of a stone dragon, was a single short and bulky endermen. It adorned a golden and purple jewelled crown, its eyes a shimmering white. The arms were gooey, with black ink seeming to drip off. The solid scales transitioned into goopy mush, and its eyes glimmered blazing white. 

The islands of the end were cast in shadow. A centre piece of bedrock held in its jaw, an elongated purple staff housing a single Crystal. The remains of the old obsidian pillars showed instead, hollowed platforms from which, goo seemed to reside. Like bowls of death soup. All through the centre island's sandy and grainy floors, shadows were cast as the focused, vibrant beam of light from the centrepiece décor crystal fed the skies and what they were grasped on.

Illuminating even the void, it was a small amount of white pixels. All, fizzling and frazzling and dazzling. Each on was moving. Up and Down. Up and Down they bobbed. Left and Right. Forward and Back. Inwards and Outwards. Across each other and through themselves. Inside and out. All, rotating a big hole of pure darkness. Null void, making what had once been seen as void appear as sad, lilac skies from the bottomless depths to the infinite upward abyss. And that purplish hue was draining.  As was the life as Endermen were being launched by hundreds into the feeding of this.....great monster.

From this very abyss, a spark illuminated. Millions of fearfull Endermen dared look up as the skies were cast. The spark soared as they screamed, their cries silenced from being turned to stone by the head. He strode off the dragon he had silenced, its pitiful existence to have received such a crown as the one he adorned impossible. The vulgar thing was a brute and its shackled and spell-locked mother, hundreds of islands away, was ever the fool to have cast him out. HIM!? Their greatest general. All that "New Leaf" and "Life for the End" bullshit. He had found more power from that goopish white crackling ball, which gave him all he needed. So long as the new abyss kept receiving meals.

The many creatures' petrified bodies formed a chasm of a fortress. He didn't know why he was doing so. The power commanded him to, as though anticipating. That distant spark was right above, and soon, in the fortress. The gates were guarded by two brutes, made of Endermen's blue blood binded by coils of End Stone. Whatever guests the new abyss had brought should clearly be bad enough to have built such a place. Spanning several islands, it hovered as he could spot an outline. From it, two glowing blocks of grass emerged. One was grasped by his hand, making him feel alive.

The other, seemingly emanating a deep black glow, moved much on its own pace through the skies. It rested atop the the crystal at the End Centre, seeming to feed the new abyss. Good. A source for that great monster to latch to so he could focus on his personal pleasures. He didn't even turn to meet whatever the portal was ready to fire next. 

Instead, he had some of the remaining endermen whom had disobeyed their guts and stayed in form to attend to these new prisoners, as he flew off the attend to fun with some of the Queen's old consorts.


Through the portal, MT fell. His knees buckled on the sandy uneven surface as he lost grip of the staff. He heard Navy next to him, seeming to fall even worse, with a horrifying scrape. His breath was shallow, one of his arms bent the wrong way. He yelped as he stood, his other fist raised. MT stood too, feeling the weight of a good 30 or so pairs of eyes. 

Their pupils all burned with fear and humiliation as the he cursed himself. Years of study, knowing that he had broken an key rule of the creature's nature: Never look and Endermen directly in its eye, in wild. Each of them shrieked as he felt a fist in his stomach.  They warped all over the place, his only companion in this moment seeming to fight them. 

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