Chapter 1: The same nightmare

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"I....I can't.....make it....."

He banged on the door, tears streaming down his face as a yellow finger touched the glass.


He awoke, sweating. He touched his face, eyes closed as he shuddered. "It was just another bad dream....just another nightmare...." He reminded himself as he fell back and rolled over, the blanket having already gone astray. Yet, even as he tried to falk back asleep,that dream kept piercing his thoughts.

It was so stupid. That same, stupid dream had plagued his mind for the past week now. It had happened so long ago. There was nothing that could be done now. Gold was dead and he knew it. Purple was his son now. Nothing could change that. Nothing would Brin Gold back and return his life to the way it had been. Nothing. This was his life now.

Yet, he felt discomfort with that fact. It felt like he was forcing. Forcing Purple to be his son. Forcing Gold to be gone. Forcing himself to believe that he couldn't ever get it back.

He got up, frustrated. He'd felt exactly like this when Gold had died. Unable to do anything, yet wanting to do something, ANYTHING to bring back his son. He'd had no cares for anyone. He pushed all and everybody away, striking down those who stood in his way: The colour gang, Herobrine, The Titan Ravager. Purple.

He entered the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the hanging rack by the door. Pulling on the lever in the wall, his cup filled with Water, bubbling with bits of Magma in the bottom. He thought about Purple. From the info he'd gathered from his old diary, he'd had loving parents. Then one day, something had happened. Something that made him leave his home. The only hint that could be gathered from the rough, scrappy pages was that his father disappeared. Perhaps he left?

As MT finished his water and placed the bottle into the sink, he noticed a note card on the table. Next to it was a plate with a Chicken Sandwich and a fried egg. Picking up the note, he recognized Purple's handwriting.

"Hey dad,

Sorry I couldn't stay. I finished up that new staff you'd been working on. Anyways, I made you breakfast. Don't worry about me. I'm at the desktop with Green. Oh, and I now you wanted to give the new staff to Yellow so I took it with me. 


He breathed a sigh of relief, glad Purple was safe. If he guessed right, he was sure his son wanted to see his girlfriend.

"She's not my girlfriend. She's just....a freind..." he would say, probably embarrassed. MT laughed at the idea of Purple trying to clear the obvious with a fallacy. As he ate, he thought about how Gold would have interacted with Purple. He'd probably tease him. it what about the others? What would Gold think of Orange? Of Blue? Of Green, Yellow or even Red?

As he put his plate in the sink, he caught a Yellowish Orange glint out of the corner of his eye. One of the plates seemed to shimmer. A split second later, the light from the early morning sun entered the kitchen. The glint was gone, replaced by a white shine.

"Probably seeing things." he muttered to himself as he left the kitchen, ready to head to the computer to meet up with everyone else. Yet, as he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Like something familiar was calling to him

Or someone.

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