Prolouge: Flowered guilt

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"Hey, you guys heard that sweet girl Orchid passed away?".

"Yeah, I did. It's a shame, really. I wouldda treated the poor girl right.".

I coughed, the rum almost falling back into my glass as I heard that familiar name. Terrible memories flooded my mind as I closed my eyes and sipped from the glass.

"Poor girl really hoped her husband would return. She never went out with another guy.".

"If I ever met that deadbeat bastard, he'd regret ever meeting me.".

"Same here. That dick had a perfect life, and he decides to walk away from it all? That mother fucker never deserved her!".

I gritted my teeth, gripping my hood. 'She never moved on.'. I'd thought she would try again with another guy. To perhaps give her son...our son, another chance for a father. Getting up, I placed a stack of cash from his pockets onto the counter and walked out, unnoticed. I had to go back there. Maybe I could fix things.

I stopped in my tracks. What could be the point of returning? She'd died. And I wasn't sure he would be happy to see me. Maybe this would be a mistake. Snd what good would returning do? If anything, it would cause even more problems.

No... I had to go back. If not to give things, then to at least pay my respects to her. She was once my world. They were once my world. I couldn't be a coward like I was all those years ago. I would come back.


I walked past the many headstones, shivering. Trees lined the edge of the cemetery, casting a long shadow over the site. I trudged through the snow, my shoes soaked. Finally, I reached the one headstone I'd been looking for.

It had taken a week to get here. I'd used the last of my money. I'd hitch hiked on several trucks. I'd even gone hungry for a few nights so I could save enough for the White Rose bundle I now held.

"H...hey Orchid. Long time no see." I said, barely managing to get the words out, holding back tears. "I.....I know I asshole to you, but I hope you....find peace..."

I gasped, tears streaming down my face, a wretched sob escaping my lungs. I collapsed to my knees, clutching the headstone with her name engraved on it. The memories of what I'd done rushed through my mind, guilt filling me to my core.

"IM SORRY!! I'M SORRY!!! I WAS A BASTARD BUT PLEASE!! LET ME MAKE IT UP TO YOU!! LET ME...LET ME...." My throat was hoarse as my words spilled, vision blurred with tears. If only I could go back. If inly I could fix things. If only I could make things right.

" Please promise me one thing..."

I yelped. Her voice. But she was dead. There was no I could hear her....could I?

"Keep your son safe. Please Navy..."

"I......I promise..." I gasped, emotion swaying my words. A feeling of calmness overcame ne. Like she was right there. Like her hand was right on my shoulder. My entire body ached with guilt and yet.....that feeling. The last time I'd felt it, we'd been.....Happy together. Her smiling, sitting in the hospital bed, a bouquet of pink flowers on her bedside table. Me feeling like the luckiest guy I the world, holding our newborn son in a bundle of blue blankets.


My son....

I had to find him....

Jolting up, I trudged out of the graveyard, making my way over to the one Red brick House in the clearing. I needed to find him. 

I had to.

 I must.

Glitch.exe (An avm/ava fan story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt