Chapter 11: Control

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Herobrine summoned several clones to blip himself and the students far from the roaring and confused beast, most of which were immediately rushing towards it or blasting it with channelling tridents. Lighting shot through the roof's wood, setting it ablaze. The ones with swords barely managed to get close enough for a few hits, if even one, before being chomped from the waist up or slammed by the Ravager. It mowed through several with its head, a piece of the obsidian growing into spikes as it collided its skull with a wall.

It's collision shook the ground as the wall was ripped off, revealing Herobrine and the others at the end of a huge dining banquet, hundreds of clones in front. He aimed his arms and sent a flurry more still of Steve's so fast their shirts were being torn by air, towards it. Its smog arm was thrown forward, swiping several Steve's away into deathly nothing. The hooves stomped as it slowly drew close, moving at relative snails pace with every few Steves it launched. 

Herobrine remembered what Red has said. "Stop this thing at the root.". The root. The root.

The root?

As he pondered and sent out more clones, he heard the fearsome roar as its face was a bit too close for comfort. Luckily, the students had already been teleported away, leaving only him mere blocks from the monstrous thing. The Smog Arm was raised high and in quick descent as he prepared to blink, only to spot a portal open above him. The arm soared in, detaching as soon as it did and being reeled back, the ravager roaring in pain. Out of another portal behind him, he heard foot steps as Red ran forward, swiping his axe to stun the beast.

Next was Blue, sending flurries of rockets and potions to strengthen Red. A white beam came from behind as Red grew less exhausted, blue and green clouds floating around him. The beast swung his head as he flew up. The rockets only served to blind it as its jaw unhinged, lopsided and ready to slam. Red steadied himself and caught the two cluds of bone throat with the hilt and blade of his axe, teetering on said hilt. The redwood bended and cracked a bit as Yellow teleported him away and replaced him with a fireball atop a TNT minecart.

The jaws snapped as the fiery explosive tunnelled into its throat. The boom wasn't audible, but the stomach sure did seem bloated as, for what may as well have been the millionth time that day, the jaw flew off. In the exact same instance, Blue, Green and the two arachnid brothers were way behind the creature, as the sticks pushed them through the tear in space time. Herobrine realised their plan as he held onto Ward and Slime, warping them to it as well. 

As the two mobs jumped through to safety with Green and Blue, Herobrine saw Yellow thrown back with a powerful strike, her staff clattering far from her reach. The titan was thundering outwards Red, covered in thinning red and green smoke and with just his fists. It's jaw wasn't even fully healed, still at the other side of the room. Yet, if Red was hit, he would be killed from the impact on the wall behind. The beast was 8 blocks away.





"I need to know how to use the.....abilities.....I gain when you takeover...." Red said in a serious and concerned tone. "That Ravager thing is here cuz of something.....far greater a  threat to everything than King ever was...".

Herobrine stared, stone cold as he listened to Red's ask. "How did this happen? Do you know, Red?" he asked, his voice powerful yet warm. "Was it to do with King again?".

Outside, they could see through dungeon windows the remnants of a cave, barely the stone blocks and granite patches which stopped after a while. Not due to the distance. But because beyond the rest of it, beyond the single floating tree branch and the patches of floating grass, was void. Straight black, abyss. The sun was void, the ground was void. The air was void. It was all void. Everything was pitch black, so much so that seeing any sort of depth within was impossible. The only thing other than endless void was the occasional distant sparks and booms of white lightning or crackles of glowing, glitch spaces, seeming like they would explode with energy and power.

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