2. Way to Next Class

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As Night made his way to his next class, his silent footsteps echoing softly in the empty hallway, he passed by an Espeon carrying bundles of paper. She moved with a graceful elegance, her vibrant purple fur catching the light as she navigated the crowded corridor.

But for Night, she might as well have been invisible. His gaze remained fixed straight ahead, his attention focused solely on the task at hand. The Espeon's presence, though close in proximity, seemed to register no significance to him as he continued on his solitary journey.

Despite the bustling activity around him, Night moved with a quiet confidence, his demeanor untouched by the distractions that filled the air. For him, the world was a tapestry of shadows and light, each moment unfolding according to its own rhythm and purpose.

And so, as the Espeon faded into the background, her presence forgotten as quickly as it had been noticed, Night pressed on towards his next destination. In a world of noise and chaos, he remained a silent observer, his stoic resolve a testament to the depths of his inner strength.

As the Espeon stumbled and dropped her bundles of paper, a chorus of gasps and giggles rippled through the hallway. She scrambled to pick up the scattered sheets, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she stole a quick glance around, hoping no one had witnessed her clumsy mishap.

But her hopes were dashed when her gaze fell upon Night, the Umbreon who had passed by moments earlier without so much as a second glance. Surely, he would offer a helping paw, she thought, her heart sinking with a mixture of frustration and disappointment.

To her astonishment, however, Night continued on his path as if nothing had happened, his silhouette disappearing around the corner without a backward glance. Anger flared within the Espeon as she watched him go, her indignation fueling her resolve to confront him.

With determined strides, she closed the distance between them, positioning herself squarely in Night's path. "How could you just leave me like that?" she demanded, her voice tinged with righteous fury.

Night halted in his tracks, his gaze meeting hers with a boldness that caught her off guard. "You fell on your own, didn't you?" he replied, his words cutting through the tension with a cold clarity that left her speechless.

For a moment, the Espeon was at a loss for words, the shock of Night's brazen response rendering her momentarily speechless. She had expected sympathy, perhaps even an apology, but the Umbreon before her showed no sign of remorse for his actions.

With a frustrated huff, the Espeon watched as Night continued on his way, his silhouette fading into the distance once more. She was left standing alone in the hallway, the echoes of their encounter lingering like a bitter taste in her mouth.

But as she gathered up the last of her fallen papers and straightened her posture, a fire ignited within her-a determination to prove that she was more than just a clumsy mishap, that she was capable of standing on her own two feet, regardless of the indifference of others.

With renewed resolve, the Espeon set off towards her next class, her steps steady and sure, a silent vow to never allow herself to be overshadowed by the likes of Night again. And as she disappeared around the corner, the echoes of their encounter faded into the background, a fleeting moment in the ever-unfolding tapestry of life at Lumino High.

Night POV

As I wandered the halls in search of my chemistry class, I couldn't shake off the lingering annoyance from the encounter with the Espeon. Such troublesome people, I thought to myself, their clumsiness and need for assistance only serving as distractions from my own objectives.

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