May Help Come Your Way

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Once, there was a time when a bird was searching for a tree to build its nest. The bird was a cardinal named Mauvé, looking for a home to sustain her incoming birdie babies. Her mate died only a month ago and she hasn't been able to sustain their eggs where their nest is located.

So, Mauvé decided to move with her babies to find a new and better home. She flew far and wide but everywhere she went, other birds filled up places where she could stay. After a week of constant flying, her wings gave out and she collapsed on the ground of a dark oak forest. Hopefully, someone will help her.

A blue jay named Carlsen passed her by, carrying a wagon filled with fruits and seeds. Mauvé asked for help but the blue jay replied "I have my own family to care for. I'm sorry for you but my children need me. May help come your way." Mauvé was devastated but she knew she couldn't change the blue jay's response.

Still laying on the ground, a helpless and weary Mauvé saw another bird pass her by; a woodpecker named Humphrey carrying a wagon filled with jars of water from the nearby stream. She cried out to the woodpecker "Please, can you be gracious enough to offer me some water? I am very thirsty, very parched." Like the Carlson the blue jay, the woodpecker Humphrey denied any assistance to Mauvé, sighing and replying "My dear bird, I have an important meeting to attend with my fellow woodpeckers. We need this water for our brethren, so deny not them water by asking me for some. If I had any to spare, I'd surely give it to you. May help come your way." So, the woodpecker continued on his way.

Denied both food and water, Mauvé passed out with her eggs under her wings. As she laid vulnerable on the forest floor, a fox approached her and her eggs, seeing an opportunity to seize a delicious bounty. The fox slowly and methodically neared Mauvé, licking its lips with every step. But suddenly, a flurry of nuts started pelting the fox, stinging its furry skin. Behold, atop a high branch on a tree were a pair of squirrel siblings, commanded by their father named Elmer. Elmer sent his daughters- Linder and Adrel, to carry Mauvé to safety.

When she awoke from her slumber caused by dehydration and hunger, Elmer's daughters were tending to her eggs. Due to classic motherly instinct, she exclaimed "Who are you? And what are you doing to my babies?" Elmer, understanding her concern, explained things to her "Don't worry, ma'am. We saw you laying on the forest floor, being approached by a hungry fox. We shewed it away and took you back to our home to help you. We don't have much but we couldn't just leave you to suffer and die, especially because you had your eggs with you." Hearing this, Mauvé got emotional, thanking them repetitively. She told them about the blue jay and the woodpecker that passed her by and Elmer knew who she was speaking of, even though she knew not the names of those birds. Elmer left Mauvé with his daughters and went to see the two birds.

Now, he happened to know them and was upset they left Mauvé to care for herself and her eggs when they could have helped her. Elmer met them after they got home and asked them to return with him to his home, so they agreed and went back with him. When they got back, they were surprised to see Mauvé and more surprised to see Elmer's stern expression. He said to them "My friends, what evil have you done to this innocent woman? She says you passed her by when she was desperately in need and gave her the excuse that you have nothing to spare. I have nothing to spare but I give to those who need because it is a good thing. Why tell her 'May help come your way' when you were the help that hast come her way?" Carlsen and Humphrey both looked down at the floor, ashamed of themselves. They knew their friend Elmer was right and they had done wrong to Mauvé.

To make up for their selfish actions, they flew back to their homes and made bundles of fruits and seeds for her to take with her on her journey to find a home. When they returned, they were once again surprised but this time pleasantly; having seen a brand new place made just for Mauvé and her eggs. They brought her food and water and helped her furnish her nest. Finally, they hugged her and asked her to forgive them. Mauvé was never one to hold grudges so she delightfully accepted their apology but made them promise one thing- that they'd help her with her babies- aiding her care for and raise them, including Elmer whom she already asked. They agreed and when Mauvé's chicks finally hatched, they and all their families celebrated, forever being with and there for each other.

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