Selah's mouth gaped open for half a second before she closed it with an audible snap. "Breeding! Every time I think -" She cut off the comment with a delicate but ferocious snarl before taking a deep breath obviously meant to help her find her composure.

The first breath not working as well as she'd like, Abby watched Selah close her eyes and take two more deep breaths while slowly clenching and unclenching her fists. After the last breath, Selah's shoulders relaxed and she let her hands rest open on her thighs.

"So, it's perfectly normal for babies to move around in the womb especially in the early days when they have a lot of room. Even with multiples, there's room for them to shift around. It's also normal for them to move in reaction to the ultrasound equipment because of the pressure that's being exerted on them. They've also been able to tell that babies react to the sounds of their parents' voices," Selah rubbed her hands over her distended belly with a dreamy look on her face.

When her stomach visibly jumped, she gave a little chuckle and patted the spot lovingly, "Yes, I'm talking about you!" she cooed gently before looking back up at Abby.

"But moving away from the pressure of the ultrasound isn't a voluntary movement. They're just reacting to the pressure of the wand pushing against them from the outside. It's all pure instinct."

Rubbing her belly again, she looked up at her and Abby tensed at the look in Selah's eyes, "The babies, at least the boys, aren't acting instinctually. Well, according to Malcolm, they are absolutely acting instinctively, but they are infants in utero. They should not be responding like they are aware of what's happening around them."

"Wait. Aware? Aware of what?"

"The doctor. Other medical staff. Medical equipment. Anyone that isn't Malcolm or I."

"How - I'm confused. How do you know they're aware of who or what is around them?"

"Like almost all Alpha/Omega couples, we had to wait until we were four months pregnant before we could go in for our first ultrasound. Up until then, Alphas can tell by scent alone if everything is okay, and I couldn't really tolerate anyone but Malcolm touching me. Sometimes designation biology is a bitch."

The unexpected swear word surprised a laugh out of Abby, but taking a sip of her tea, she quickly went back to Selah's story.

"It was actually the morning your verdict was returned," Abby nodded remembering the day she was given a new chance at life, "We were listening for the heartbeat, but it sounded odd. The tech was also acting kind of sketchy so I was starting to worry. She went and got Dr. Yakourn who first showed us the twins."

"But it didn't explain the weird heartbeat. With a little prodding with the ultrasound wand, she shifted the boys over enough to see they were covering up another baby. Their sister. She laughed and joked that surely they were little Alphas protecting their Omega sister. She teased us that we'd probably have our hands full with them, and she said it was unusual behavior but not completely unheard of. We left on cloud nine."

"So what happened to make you worried?

"A month later, at the next visit, I went the restroom to pee in a cup - "

"Excuse me? Pee in a cup?"

"Yep. Every. Single. Visit. I am a cup peeing pro." Selah chuckled lightening the atmosphere for a second before she seemed to remember their topic.

"Anyway, I was coming back down the hallway to the waiting room, and I overheard a couple of the staff talking. One of them was the ultrasound tech. It didn't take long to figure out they were talking about us. While Dr. Yakourn seemed unfazed by our boys' behavior, apparently it's more unusual than she let on. Super rare. The ultrasound tech was saying how excited she was to see what the 'feral' babies would show her, and how she'd be surprised if they didn't come out already headed to Alpha re-education."

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