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minhitsonhoes: i want us to get noise complaints

highonhan: dude.

minhitsonhoes: was that too vague? should i explain?

highonhan: no i understand it perfectly

highonhan: but leave me alone i need to wake up early and you're annoying. who sane texts casually at 2am?

minhitsonhoes: gosh you're something dfferent

highonhan: huh... says the one who's texting me strange, out-dated pickup lines...

highonhan: are those from the times dinosaurs were alive too?

minhitsonhoes: this generation's kids are a joke.

highonhan: yeahhh you're for sure with the t-rex's and the tyrannosaurus' hm probably them triceratops. those... brontosaurus', pterodactyl's...

minhitsonhoes: physically and mentally at a loss of words

highonhan: you're lucky i don't know any more dinosaurs from the top of my head...

highonhan: OH ACTUALLY!!

minhitsonhoes: please don't continue.

highonhan: ...stegosaurus

minhitsonhoes: you're done

highonhan: yeah i think now i need to sleep goodnight

minhitsonhoes: sleep in my bed
seen: 2:22am

noise : minsungWhere stories live. Discover now