𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆

Start from the beginning

Orla smiled, turning her attention to the girl at Richelle's side, who had an unsure expression on her face.

"Hey, I'm Orla," she said to the girl kindly.

"Oh, I know," the girl smiled. "You're Noah's sister, Emily's best friend and- James' girlfriend?"

"Yup," Orla laughed. "Wow, everyone knows everyone here, clearly."

"You're talked about here quite a bit," shrugged the girl. "And I'm Lola."

"Well, hello," Orla smiled. "You enjoying A-Troupe, Lola?"

"Yeah, it's been really fun," smiled Lola. "Oh, but, it's also been really hard work as well, you know, I wasn't-"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell Ems anything you say, I'm not here to see her today," shrugged Orla. "Today, I'm here to dance and have fun."

And that's what she did.

Soon, the people still dancing in the challenge cleared the floor, swaying to the side (they just had to keep moving, as that was 'dancing') and the others taking the floor.

It was the same quartet Orla, James, Eldon and West had done a year ago, for Noah and Amanda, dancing to Noah's song.

It was a very fast dance, with a lot of tricks and intricate choreo.

It definitely pumped the dancers up.

And it made Orla feel amazing.

"Wow," Kingston was shocked. "Eldon, West, Orla and James are doing tricks I've never seen before. They're absolutely insane."

Orla soon did eight back handsprings, corner to corner on the dancefloor. Yes, she had mastered eight, now. She was just getting better.

Her and James' lifts were also going from strength to strength as she got spun around in the air, his strong arms holding her in place. She had really missed this.

Soon, others were crowding onto the floor to dance with them, and the boys and Henry and Kingston formed a circle, all doing a synchronised backflip.

However, this proved too much for Kingston; he had been dancing for eight hours and the flip was clearly the last straw. He collapsed to the floor and the boys had to drag him off.

Orla giggled. She had also missed this. The silliness and fun that came with being in A-Troupe.

It was nice to be back.


Soon, it was just Heather and Henry in the challenge.

Orla smiled as she saw James talking to Piper across the room. He had previously confided in her that he was going to tell her how proud he was of her, and how happy he was that she was dance captain.

And the look on her face... she looked so happy.

Orla knew that Piper (and Noah, come to think of it) had always felt a little stuck in their sibling's shadows. With both her and her boyfriend out the picture, it felt nice to know that both of them were advancing further in A-Troupe.

It was nice to know that someone was continuing their legacy for them.


Eleven and a half hours in, and Henry and Heather were still going strong.

They were the only ones on the floor, as everyone else was either dead (well, exhausted) or chilling on the sides.

"Oh my- Orlie?"

Orla's head turned from where she was sat (next to Thalia) and saw Emily at the door.


Orla ran at her best friend, hugging her tightly.

"Hi!" Emily said, pulling back. "I didn't know you were gonna be here!"

"Well, here I am," Orla smiled. "I'm glad I got to see you, I miss you!"

"I miss you too, Orlie," grinned Emily. "We need to catch up at some point."

"We do," agreed Orla.

They stayed silent for a second before Emily said. "Right, well, I have to go and give Michelle a little something, but I'll see you soon, okay?"

Orla smiled. "See you soon."


One. Minute. Left.

"Whoooooo! Come on, guys!" Orla shouted to Henry and Heather, both of whom were still on the floor.

Her vision was then suddenly averted by something on a nearby bench.

Noah was sitting there, a girl with dark brown hair and a purple shirt on next to him, and they were holding hands.

Holding. Hands.

Orla gasped, a smile making it's way onto her face. Who was that girl? It wasn't someone she recognised from last year, but it could be a new girl. And... were they dating? Did her brother have a girlfriend and hadn't told her?

"Hey," she nudged James who was beside her. "Look."

She pointed over at Noah and James grinned. "Ooh, Noah's got a girlfriend-"

"Well, he hasn't told me," Orla shrugged.

James scoffed. "Orls, how long did it take you to tell him about me and you?"

"Like, a day," Orla shrugged. "But regardless, I just wanna know who she is."

"Shh! The end is upon us!" James said, gesturing to the clock, where it was five seconds to go.

So they counted it down.

"Five! Four! Three! TWO! ONE!"

Everyone flooded onto the dancefloor as the end was announced, Michelle holding both Henry and Heather's hands and lifting them up high.

As soon as she let go, they both tumbled to the floor, but everyone kept clapping regardless, all of them so happy. Orla smiled round at everyone.

She had missed TNS so much.


James and the band were the perfect way to finish the day.


Orla danced around with A-Troupe, both A-Troupes, and her friends, and she felt brilliant.

"Whooo!" She yelled, being crazy.

As the beat lessened, Orla grabbed Noah, happy for a chance to embarrass him in front of A-Troupe or his possible new girlfriend, and danced with him, but Noah didn't seem to mind. He was glad to just be crazy with her for a second.

She also joined Riley, Michelle, Lola and Richelle in a clap and duck move, all of them forming a line and laughing as they did it.

James even came out from behind the drums at the end, lifting Orla and swinging her round, everyone cheering.

It was such a nice atmosphere as the last line of the song hit.

Can you feel the love?

𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑺 ♥︎ 𝑶𝒓𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓 (The Next Step)Where stories live. Discover now