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సంద్రపు అలలే పొంగి తీరం తాకే వేళా 

మునిగే మనసు అసలు బెదర లేదులే

ఉన్నది ఒక మనసు  వినదది నా ఊసూ 

నను విడి వెళ్ళిపోవుట నేనూ చూశానే

తియ్యని స్వప్నమిది చెరగని మనోనిధి 

కలలో కలలా నను నేనే చూశానే.........

Let's start.......................

When I came down after more than 30 mins Naya was already there in the living room. With Ashu. My parents are out of sight, maybe they are in their room. Even though I don't want to face them now, I don't know what my brother has talked with them or told them or warned them, I really don't want to discuss anything that happened today.

"Hey Dhaara!" Naya came hugged me the second she noticed me

"Hello, dearest Vadhina(sister in law)" I hugged her back

Ashu came towards us and said "come on, let's leave. You both can chat in the car."

After Ashu left Naya whispered " he's annoying" and I chuckled

We settled in the car. Ashu drives the car, Naya in the passenger seat and me in the back seat.

"Cutie, where do you wanna go?" Ashu asked

"I haven't thought about it, I'm fine with wherever you both decide" I answered

"No, I'm not fine with it. You're the one here to decide. You're back after months, so tell us where?" Naya said with determination turning back from the passenger seat

"Okay, how about the beach?" I suggested and they both agreed

After some time of comfortable silence, Naya spoke "Dhaara! It's been so long since we've discussed your love life. Come on now, tell me are you into someone? "

" Hmm? " I looked at her confused

"Why are you suddenly interested in my sister's love life?" Ashu asked glancing at her

"Ashvath shut up." She turned to me and continued "tell me dhaara any crushes? Or boy friend? At least hot guys in college? "

Ashu glared at her for few seconds before turning his concentration to the road

I sighed and said "okay! There's this guy Yakshith from my college. He has crush on me like since 1st year,... "

Ashu interrupted me "you never told me this."

"Ash... " Now Naya interrupted me

"It's her choice. She'll tell us whenever she wants to, and if even she doesn't want to it's completely fine. Now Ashvath Chethan will you please let her continue"

He shook his head and sighed

Naya looked at me and gestured me to continue

"He asked me for a date recently and I said okay. We went on a date.. " I am interrupted by ashu again

"Date?" ahsu looked at me through the mirror

"Dr. Ashvath Chethan Krishna" Naya yelled "you're so annoying."

"Love, really Me? Annoying? We'll discuss about it while I'm fu.. "

"Guys. I'm here remember?" I interrupted them. It is embarrassing to listen to your brother speak those words. [Eww]

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