Chapter Eight

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New Orleans

The bright lights of Bourbon Street hit my face. The air filling my lungs as I strolled down the sidewalk. Though, I was supposed to meet back up with my father at Fayette Cemetery, I decided that I wanted to take some time to clear my head. To take a moment to myself given the current situation. It was all a lot to deal with at one time. Of course, my family has certainly been in worse situations. I had no doubt in my mind we would somehow overcome the difficulties that we were currently facing.

Of course, my Uncle Klaus's actions weren't making things any easier. Now were they? Not with all of his recklessness.

A recklessness he always had.

A recklessness that wasn't going to do anything but one thing. Screw us over.

As my phone buzzed, I pulled it out of my pocket. To no surprise, I found that it was my father. No doubt to check up on me, and ensure that I was okay. I answered the phone. "Hello?"


"Hey, is everything okay?'

'Yes. I've returned Jane-Anne's body to her sister and the witches. Though, it's just a matter of time if Niklaus lives up to his end of the deal.'

'If he's smart, he will.'

'Where are you? I thought you might have returned to the cemetery by now.'

I sighed. 'Yes, that. I just decided to take a walk. I needed to clear my mind given everything that's going on. You know? I'm okay, so you don't need to worry about me.'

'Darling, I will always worry about you. And given our family's current predicament, I suppose there is no harm in ensuring one of our family's many enemies hasn't gotten to you.'

'I suppose not. But really, I'll be fine. It's not like there hasn't been someone wanting to use me against this family my whole life or anything. Is Hayley okay?'

'Hayley, is holding up. I've assured her that the witches will lay no hand on her. Though, I do believe it would wise to find her some place to stay while we deal with this matter. I was thinking the old plantation house.'

'Yeah, sounds good. I'll see you soon, okay?'

'Okay. Goodbye, darling.'

Sighing once more, I hung up the phone. Then placing it back in my pocket.

As I continued walking, I could almost sense the presence of another. Almost as if I was being watched. As footsteps neared me, I turned around. My gaze then met with the figure who had seemingly been watching me. The figure which had stepped out of the shadows. "Taking a late night stroll I see. That's certainly brave of you." That figure had been a witch. The witch we had met earlier when we first arrived.

Sabine Laurent.

"I remember you." I told her. "Sabine, right? My father spoke to you earlier about Jane-Anne Deveraux."

Sabine nods. "That is what they call me."

I then pursed my lips. "What are you doing out here?"

"I'm a tour guide, remember." She replied. Yes, that I did happen to remember. "I was just finishing up with some of my guests when I happened to spot you."

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