Chapter Seven

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New Orleans

The restaurant had erupted into almost a silence, as Marcel's vampires had left with my father in search of Jane-Anne's body. I was just grateful Marcel was given into my Father's negotiations. Besides, we didn't have much of a choice in the matter. The life of Hayley and her baby was quite literally in the hands of Sophia Devereaux. We had to do whatever she asked of us. Right now, I wasn't going to worry about my father. I knew he could handle things himself. I was more filled with questions, questions I'm sure Marcel had the  answers to.

My gaze followed him, as he had went over to the bar. Grabbing a bottle of red wine. Then, bringing it back over to the table and sitting down.

He opens the bottle, then pours from it.

He then handed the glass to me, giving a grin. "Thought this was a little more your style."

"Thank you." I nodded my head to him. Then taking the glass from him. I raised it to my lips. Taking a sip from it, before then placing it down on the table in front of me.

"Gotta say, your little thing back there with trying to woo me?" Marcel gave a smug smile. "It's impressive."

"Impressive?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Making deals was always your father's jam." Marcel pointed out.

I pursed my lips. "Perhaps." When it came to politics, my father was always the one to negotiate and make the deals. He always did it so well. "But, I'm not completely useless when it comes to business. I know a thing or two."

"I suppose you get that from him."

"I suppose so." I shrugged my shoulders. "Over the centuries, I've taken it upon myself to study my father's ways of persuasion. "

Marcel chuckled. "Yeah, well you and him are different when it comes to that."

"How so?"

Marcel leaned in. "When it comes to  negotiations, Elijah always has an agenda. He never makes a deal unless it benefits him. And, he likes to thrown in a threat every now and again." He said. "But you? You just go with your gut and try to do the right thing. Without having to threaten to kill anyone."

"I don't like threatening people." I shrugged my shoulders again.

"That's what I've always liked about you, Sarah." Marcel leaned in. "You've always been able to show compassion and mercy."

"I just see no reason to be cruel."

"And that's what makes you different from the rest of your family." Marcel nodded. He raised his glass to his lips. "If anything, you're better than any of them ever could be."

"Marcel..." I began, as I gathered my words. "It's been decades since we've last seen each other. And, somehow the only question that ponders my mind is how the hell are you even here talking to me right now? The last time I saw you-

"I was tied up and about to burned alive along with the opera house?" He stared.

"How the hell did you survive?"

"Long story short?" He let out a sigh. "I somehow found myself freed in enough time to escape before the fire could reach me."

"What?" I stared.

Marcel nodded. "All I remember, is one minute I was tied up. The next I wasn't. It's all kinda of a blur to be honest." He told me. "But, I reckon the only reasonable explanation? I guess me being able to escape might have been Mikael's doing."

"I don't understand." I shake my head. "Mikael is ruthless, and he despises vampires. I can't see why he'd simply let you go."

"Don't know." He huffed. "Maybe Mikael didn't think I was worth killing anymore? Perhaps he saw me as less of a threat and decided I wasn't worth the trouble of having to kill." He shrugged. "Either way, strangely I should be thanking the bastard."

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