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Heesung was running around to find Jay along with Niki, Sunoo and Sunghoon all of them were panicking at this moment they were in different areas looking for Jay.

Niki reached in front of the gym but he didn't felt suspicious of the area as it was always empty in morning, he was about to turn back but stopped when he heard some voice from inside making Niki feel suspicious.

Niki opened his phone and messaged Sunghoon to come to the gym area, he took a deep breath before walking towards the gym gate but to his surprise it was lock the gym door was never kept locked suddenly he realised and tried to break the door but his efforts didn't show any effect.

On the other hand Sunghoon received Niki's message and went towards the gym area but he saw Heesung on his way and pulled him along with him as they both ran towards the gym area.

Both the friends reached outside the gym and saw Niki trying to break the door, Heesung messaged Sunoo and told him to bring the spare key of the gym because it was easy for him as his father was the director of the school which many people didn't know except his friends and the staff of the school.

Not long after Sunoo came running with a key in his hands of course it was easy for him to get the keys without asking any questions.

Whole school was inside their classroom but few students were running around due you think it went unnoticed by students and the teacher's of the school? No the reason was clear because Sunoo had called his father and told everything to him and as a result nobody was allowed to exit the classroom for few minutes.

Heesung took the key from Sunoo's hand and opened the door as fast as possible the moment the door was opened Heesung's blood boiled because of the incident which was happening in front of his eyes.

Without thinking twice Heesung went and grabbed Sam's back collar and pulled him away from Jay.

Jay didn't felt anything when Sam was thrown from his body his legs were weak which made him fall and sit on the ground while hugging his legs tightly and shivering a little with the tears flowing through his clear eyes.

Sunghoon went near Jay and tried to touch Jay but his heart shattered when Jay flinched a little and buried his head deeper into his legs not at all looking up, he was scared.

Sunghoon looked at Niki and sunoo and nodded his head as he went towards Sam.

Niki looked at Jay who was shivering with fear his heart was aching as he looked at the older, he can't look at Jay like this.

Niki couldn't hold himself and tried to talk with the older one "Jay hyung" said Niki his voice breaking.

"Hyung?" again Niki's voice was breaking Jay didn't lift his head, Sunoo who was just looking at his friend with glassy eyes he really wanna hug and comfort his friend but he was scared of scaring his best friend.

Sunoo noticed Jay's breathing was irregular he could see his friend struggling his head still resting on his arm and knees without thinking any further he rubbed his friends back "Seong, Seong look at me Seong, I'm sunoo Se-" before he could say any further Jay collapsed on Niki's side.

The moment Jay fainted, Niki picked up the older one and rushed towards their school medical room even if he knew that right now Jay needed to be in hospital but he just ran towards the medical room for him right now the most important is Jay then the rest of the world.

The moment Niki reached the room he layed Jay on the bed and the nurse looked at him but soon called the ambulance because she could see that the child was not fine and neede a treatment.

Not long after that the ambulance arrived and Jay was taken to the hospital, Sunghoon called his dad and told him about everything which of course made him shocked and he reached the hospital within few minutes.

Right now, Niki, Sunghoon, Heesung, Jun and along with Namjoon was outside the room where Jay was getting treated by the doctors.

Jun arrived with Namjoon because the moment he received the call from Sunghoon they were having a meeting and after the call Namjoon decided to come along with his friend.

Sunoo was still at school taking care of the mess with his father and to take care of the Sam matter.

Heesung looked at his father and took him a little far to talk with his father,
"Child what happened to Jay?" asked Namjoon when they were little far away from everyone.

"Dad, I will tell you later but I want you to do something" said Heesung looking at his father with hopeful eyes to which Namjoon just nodded and indicated him to continue talking.

The doctor exited from Jay's room and was met with soo many questions which made his head dizzy.

"The patience is alright, he had a panic attack or maybe something that shocked and scared him from inside, I will recommend you to take care of him make fell loved and comfortable" said the doctor and went away leaving everyone's questions in the air without replying to any of those.

After some minutes the nurse came out and told them if anyone wanna meet the patient they can but he is still unconscious and even told them that only one person is allowed to stay with the patient.

At last the kids were guided to go back home and their bags will be dropped by Sunoo, Jungwon and Jake will were still kept on their desk.

All them nodded but none of them moved from their places.

Jun looking at every one smiled a little and walked towards his older son and hugged him while rubbing his back.
"Son you have to go home, tell your paa everything try to calm him down if he cry and bring him here hmm?" Said jun still rubbing his son's back who nooded his head while sobbing a little.

Heesung looked at the son and father due to said "Uncle, you and Sunghoon can go home I will be here till the time you guys will be back" to which Jun thought a little and looked at his son and at Namjoon who just nodded.

"Yes Jun, Heesung is right you should go home and talk to Wonwoo because you know it will be hard for Sunghoon and trust my son" said Namjoon to which Jun nodded and at last everyone left except for Heesung who was sitting outside Jay's room not strong enough to go inside.

Niki didn't wanna leave but still he went because he couldn't see the older one like this it hurted him, his feelings were a mess that's why when Jun told him that he will drop him, he just agreed because he wanna ran away for a while.

(A/n: I'm really sorry if some things doesn't make sense because those things didn't make sense either to me and that's why this is just a fanfic and don't forget this.

I hope you liked the chapter and stay healthy my cute readers)

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