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"Jongseong I-" heesung's words were cut because of the sudden arrival of the oldest heir of the park family.

"Seong-" Sunghoon who just arrived was shocked when he saw heesung and jay were really close to each other the tension between them could have been seen.

Heesung just stared at Sunghoon who had just destroyed his moment, but it was nice that the older park destroyed otherwise the lee was ready to express his feelings towards Jay.

Jay moved a little back from Heesung and smiled at his brother.

The three of them were still at the terrace doing nothing but just staring at the sky without any words.

The three of them decided to go down but Sunghoon held Heesung's wrist indicating him to wait a little longer.

"Seong, go down first me and hyung will be there in a minute" said Sunghoon to Jay with a small smile to which Jay looked at Heesung and then nodded and went down alone.

The moment Jay was out of their sight Sunghoon asked "what was that earlier?Why were you two so close?"

Heesung just released a sign and said "I don't know, you know my tongue was ready to express my feelings without even realising, I am scared" Sunghoon just looked at the older one who was stressed but he knew how it feels because he fell in love with Jungwon too.

"Let's go down, they must be waiting" Heesung said and started walking without waiting for the other one.

The moment Heesung reached the hall he saw Jay who was lost in his own thoughts.

Heesung went and sat next to Jay without saying a word making the younger one look at him.

The dinner got over and right now Jay's mind was fully occupied with Heesung, Heesung and Heesung.

Park family reached their house Jay even got stumbled on the stairs because his mind was somewhere else and his family just looked at him with a 'what happen to him' look.

Jay reached his room and went inside the washroom while looking at his reflection he ruffled his hair in annoyance why was he thinking about Heesung like crazy, he thought about the moment happened on the terrace the closeness, Heesung's face which made a little smile on his lips.

Jay again ruffled his hair and decided to take a shower to clear his mind and basically to remove Heesung from his mind which didn't happened.

Jay tried to sleep but his mind had other plans and a thought was he really falling in love with Heesung the thought even made him smile, if anyone had looked at Jay right now they will think that the kid was going crazy because sometimes he smiles like crazy and another moment he messes up his hair while still in his own thoughts.

Jay woked up because of his alarm, he don't remember when he fall asleep and now he wanna sleep more but the alarm clock had other plans, Jay threw the alarm hard on the ground and again went to sleep not caring about anything but again his sleep was disturbed when he heard a knock on the door.

Jay finally woke up because the knock on his door grew louder with his tired steps and sleepy eyes and not to forget is messy hair he went towards the door and opened it.

With his half close eyes Jay looked at his brother who was standing in front of him.

"What?" Jay asked ina annoyed tone.
"Good morning to you too Seong" Sunghoon asked in his cheerful tone while looking at his twin brother whose eyes were still closed.

"Seong, I will go first I have to pick up Won too so can you go with Heesung hyung" Sunghoon said with a chuckle after seeing his twin's condition in return Jay just nodded and turned around but suddenly he realised 'heesung hyung' Jay's widened his eyes and again turned towards his twin "Who?" asked Jay not sleepy anymore.

"Oh Heesung hyung will pick you up after some time so go and get ready fast" Sunghoon said not looking at his brother as he was chatting with his lover.

"I will be going first Seong" said Sunghoon with a smile and Jay was still standing at his place "Go and get dressed" Sunghoon's voice was heard which made Jay go inside and get ready.

The moment Jay got dressed and went to the living room he saw Heesung talking with his paa with a smile,Jay's heart was beating fast at the site of the older one he looked really handsome.

Jay diverted his attention from Heesung and went towards him.

Wonwoo looked at Jay who was coming towards them and hugged his son.

"Good morning paa" said Jay in a baby voice and with a beautiful smile. "Good morning Kid, come and eat something before going" said Wonwoo to and son and then looked at Heesung "Heesung come and join us" to which Heesung refused politely that he had already eaten to which Wonwoo just nodded and looked at his son.

"Paa, I'm not feeling like eating and we will get late if we will stay here any longer so I will be going first" Jay said while looking at his paa with his boba eyes which made Wonwoo weak.

"Let's go hyung, bye paa I will go first" said Jay and walked towards the gate Heesung just followed him not before bowing to Wonwoo.

Both Heesung and Jay were in Heesung's car as they were going towards their school.

Heesung stopped in front of a store and brought 4 to 5 drinks for Jay because he didn't knew the younger's favourite flavour.

Jay just looked at the bag which was full of drink he let out a little laugh and looked at the older one.

"I didn't knew which flavour you will so" Heesung said while rubbing his neck a little which didn't itch at all with his eyes on the road.

Jay opened a bottom and drank with a small smile on his lips he was happy with the small gestures that the older one always do for him.

Both of them reached the school Heesung took the bag where still few drinks were left and gave it the younger one "Share it wilth Sunoo too" he said while smiling a little at the younger one who just nodded and took while thanking the older one but he even gave a drink to Heesung which the older one accepted with a smile.

Both of them were talking towards Jay's classroom and Heesung was leading the way because he was fast with his long legs, Jay tried to keep up with the older one but failed.

Jay held Heesung's shirt and said "walk slowly" which made Heesung smiled a little and reduced his speed and Jay tried to walk in sync with Heesung while keeping the same foot ahead lile the older.

Heesung saw a familiar face coming towards them, he looked at Jay who was just looking at their feet trying to take the same step as his.

Heesung just stared at the other person and held Jay's hand.

Heesung and Jay reached in front of the younger's class room.

"Bye Heesung hyung" said Jay with a beautiful smile and went inside his classroom the moment Jay reached the class Heesung walked towards his classroom too with a smile.

(I'm tired after writing this, I was feeling bored so I decided to write.
I'm not sure if this turned out nice or not but I still wish that you guys liked it.

Thankyou for reading and staying by my side it means alot to me.


NINETEEN   (HEEJAY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora