Chapter 3. THE SEA OF RUSH

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Soundwave after coming far away form the Insecticon
base, tried to scan for Laserbeak, but the result made
him sad, even sadder than the moments when he lost his
mission partners, the saddest ever in his life. The signal of
Laserbeak had gone Offline. That meant only one thing,
Laserbeak was no more. Still, even after knowing this,
Wave kept trying to establish a connection between him
and Laserbeak. He tried several times,but sadly, none of
them were successful.
Sad, after having lost his loyal pet, and a friend, kept
roaming here and there, in search of energon. For once,
he felt that there was only one who truly cared about
him, respected him, and now, even the one was now
gone, just because of that filthy insecticon. He was slowly
overwhelmed by rage.
"Enraging and roaming here and there is not a smart
man's work nither it would help to take the revenge of
Laserbeak and escape Cybertron. I must do something."
Soundwave told himself, sitting near a old Decepticon
base, to help himself.
He got up, but didn't knew where to go and what to do.
That's why, he started moving towards the old,
abandoned, Decepticon base. The base, which once
upon a time served as a shield and like a protector to the
Decepticons, now looked deadly. The debris of the base fallen here and there. The terrible look of the base
reminded Soundwave of a raid. A deadly raid, such a raid
that he still was not able to forget about. The nightmares
of the raid still chased Wave, not only Wave, but,
probably, many other Decepticons too, who were
involved in the raid.
"THE SEA OF RUSH !" Soundwave spoke out as a terrible
nightmare grasped him. He, he didn't why, fall down, and
lost his consciousness. After a long time, when he had
himself again within him, got up and without any delay
transformed and left for his destination.
After having travelled for a long time, finally he reached
the quietest and the most destructed part of planet. He
looked around. It was the 'THE SEA OF RUSH'.

Corpses laid here and there, on the metal floor. Not one or two hundreds but almost 4 thousands. Some had
been entirely eaten and some are currently being eaten
by the Scraplets.
Suddenly, memories of the awful war especially the
particular raid, flashed through his mind. The attack on
decepticons, firing everywhere, grenades dropping
everywhere, explosions all around and the deadliest
attack, on i-acon hall. Decepticons were being shot off.
They too fought valiantly but alas! Luck was not with
them. The autobots defeated them and they returned
with half their mass. It was a massive failure for the
Decepticons. Soundwave remembered the raid and
whispered to himself.
"Such a dreadful raid, rather the deadliest part of the
Great War. "
As Soundwave wandered around, looking for energeon,
he came across a bunch of corpses, lying around, auto-
bots, decepticons, alike.
Right then, he came just face to face of the I-acon hall.
The very place where he was defeated was now in front
of him. The very palce then reminded him of his dead
pets, Ravage, Squawktalk and Beastbox. The flashbacks
troubled him as he was smelling 'TOX-EN', especially the
scene when the autobots killed his pets mercilessly.
Although terrified, he gulped down his fear, for deep
down, he knew he had to do what was necessary.
As he entered the gigantic hall with flickering lights still
the same thoughts troubled him. He tried to scavenge
everything he believed to be essential.
He began to search the huge room, filled with dead-s,
among which very few were autobots. Though a volcano
was erupting within himself, but for a moment or two, he
looked respectfully to the i-acon elite guards, and deep
in his spark he wished, if the there was so much unity
among Decepticons.
While searching, he noticed an oddly shining blue
matter. Out of desperation, he reached for it. “Ah yes!”
he thought. In such desperate times, all he could ask for,
was something essential for his survival. Although not
much, 'something is always better than nothing'. With
the newly found bit of energon, for the time being, he
was good to go. After a few minutes, scavanging some more important
bits of things, at a corner of the huge hall, Wave noticed
the vaults of I-ACON. He, curiously, moved towards it.
When Soundwave moved enough close to the vaults, he
got a feeling that it must had been robbed by some
extremely experienced invaders. When he looked closer
to it, he found that, by any chance, they missed one of
the relics. He broke its glass and picked it up. It was an
ancient relic, Wave could feel its power.
The relic, looked like an ancient book, resembling a
dictionary of Earth."Looks like a book, but of what, seems
interesting !" But it was useless for Wave until and unless
he knew what the relic would be able to do. Even its
name was not mention.

"What the hell, they suppose us to be, just seas of
information. The idiots did not even menton its name
here, everyone is not Alpha Trion. We too must have the
rights to know about these. After all, we Decepticons too
are created and origianted by Primus himself. They need
to understand one is not a villain by birth, and who told
we are villains. We work for ourselves, and for Cybertron.
Cybertron must be equal for all !" Soundwave yelled with
Still, Soundwave felt himself to be lucky as he slowly
lifted the ancient relic again. But, he recalled it again,
after all, it was of no use to him without its special ability,
which soundwave didn’t know about. That's why, he
started searching here and there for atleast some
information for the relic.
"It looks like a book, must have some kind of secrets or
something." With this idea, he pulled open that book like
relic and was amazed to find his guess absolutely correct.
But at the same time, too sad and enraged as it was
entirely written in some foreign language.
"It must not be Cybertronian." Thus, Wave resumed his
searchings again.
Luck was again, not on his side. The database which
contained all the information about the relics were
brutally wrecked by the invaders.
But, at the end of the day, he finally got the hope and
desire to live.
He lost Laserbeak, from Laserbeak his mind divered to his dead pets, Ravage, Squawktalk and Beastbox. Their
thoughts terrified his every organ.

He, only to support himself as there was no one other left to do so, spoke
out to himself,

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