For The Readers

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Hey readers, welcome to the adventure fanfiction novel by Wing Productions. The book titled 'ALONE AMONGST THE FOES' is the first part of the series 'THE LEGENDS OF CYBERTRON' which is our first fan-fiction novel series. This book is detailed about the amazing world of 'TRANSFORMERS' which is now completely destroyed. Decepticons, the evil faction, have always been hated by majority of the fans of the Transformers Franchise but this fan-fiction novel shows a Decepticon's perspective and also answers a big qusetion 'ARE THE DECEPTICONS REALLY EVIL BY DEFAULT?' "For Sometimes Villains Have A Cause." The first three chapters are optimised to their most and simplified for the new comers to the Transformers franchise. After the very theme of transformers and the novel is understood, chapter 4 and everything further
starts getting more and more complex. Make sure you don't get lost in CYBERTRON

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