Chapter 3 - Friends?

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After many lessons with boring teachers it's finally lunch. As I walk to the cafeteria I see my best friend Chase by the cafeteria doors right about to open the door, so I run up to him. "Chase!!!" At the sound of his voice being called he turns to see me running at full speed and lifts me by the waist. All of a sudden I remember something and hit the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" he says putting me down and rubbing the place on his head where I hit.

"That was for not being in this morning" I say with my hands on my hips.

"I slept in, I'm sorry. I'll buy you a book or something."

"Really?!" I ask excited. He nods and I jump on him which almost causes us to fall down.

He puts me down and suddenly looks like he forgot something. "Oh yeah Sky Sky, this is my new friend Blake" he says as he moves himself so I can see the guy I say next to for my first lesson.

"Hi again, do you remember me? We sat next to each other in Math." I say smiling up at him. He just stares at me without saying a word for like 20 seconds before it starts to get awkward and Chase, who was watching the situation buts in.

"Uhm... we should get going to lunch, Nisha and Kaddie are probably waiting for us at our table" He says. We all walk through the cafeteria doors and straight to the lunch line. Instead of getting anything as I know I'm going to have to throw up anything I eat, I just stand next to the boys as they get their food. I notice Chase stacking things on his plate so that means he probably got high before coming to school or before coming to the cafeteria. Depends what time he got into school.

When they finish packing their trays and paying we start walking towards the table where I can see Kaddie yapping and Nisha listening but not taking in anything fully in as usual. Before we could get closer to our table Natalie and her minions, Chloe and Daisy stopped us by going right in front of us. "Hey your new here, Blake right?" Natalie says in her usual attractive charm. I expect him to answer, I mean look at her she's gorgeous, but he doesn't. He just stares blankly at her so I but in so we don't just stand around looking like idiots.

"Oh he's not really much of a talker to be honest" I say politely. All their heads turn to me and suddenly I feel as small as an ant or a bug, eh I don't know, just something really small.

"Uh I don't recall me speaking to you," She says bitterly. After staring me down to the point where I look down at the floor to defend myself from her judging gaze. After a few seconds she turns her head back to Blake and back in her normal voice she says "If you two want you guys could come sit with us we're just over there," she points to where all of the other people on the soccor team are along with the cheerleaders, then a deep voice says which shocks us all.

"I'd rather pass, so don't wait for me." I turn in the direction of the voice to figure out it was Blake that said it.

"It's fine but feel free to join whenever you're done hanging out with.. that" she said salty pointing her narrowed eyes in my direction with a disgusted look. "You too Chasey." She sends a wink to Chase and then walks past me and while doing that she bumps my shoulder hard causing me to wince as the bruise from getting slammed into a wall by my dad, start to throb from the pain, while her minions who I forgot were even there give me dirty looks.

"Ugh that bitch... are you okay Sky Sky?" He says lifting up my face looking at me to see if I'm okay.

"Yeah don't worry, I'm fine" I say but deep down I'm crying like a baby and will probably cry myself to sleep like I do every night. Speaking on nights I need to get my sleeping corrected, I fall asleep at like 3am every night and it's not turning out... very good aka I fall asleep in every lesson. "C'mon remember Kaddie and Nisha are waiting" I say while changing the subject and giving my best fake smile I can muster which Chase believes but Blake just looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

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