Chapter one - Introduction

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"Ouch." I say as I wipe a cut where a glass shard used to be, from a beer bottle that dad threw at me. I've bandaged and stitched up two types of cuts this time around. The ones I actually deserve and the ones I got for no reason.  I've been doing this for a few hours because I keep stopping and starting and even feel asleep for about two or so hours.

Once I'm done disinfecting and stitching up the cuts, I start to get ready for school and mentally warn myself that my dad should be kind of sober and is not going to remember anything as usual so to avoid him trying to be a picture perfect parent and making me awkward in the process. I'll just try to sneak out to school. 

He always calls me delusional when I tell him what he does to me because his psycho and gold digging girlfriend, Nathara (which means snake in Scottish which makes a lot of sense as shes a dirty little cheating snake). I've even seen her with another man kissing and her giving him my dad's money but when I tried to tell him he only believed her and then when he got drunk he and her gave me one of the worst beatings of my whole life.

Nathara hits me sometimes, but she doesn't like breaking her nails so she goes for verbal abuse or ends up just kicking me in my stomach over and over again. Whenever my dad gets drunk he's always too drunk to remember himself hitting and shouting at me the next day, but I always do, and probably always will. 

That Satan's spawn of a girlfriend always makes it worse by keeping a bottle in his mouth just so he keeps hitting me till  him or me eventually passes out, or passes out fast enough to steal his card and buy random things she doesn't even need. She steals his card every other day but the second I try to buy something from his card I get yelled at and a lecture or if he's drunk I get a whole beating. 

Once I'm dressed in a loose tank top which I tuck into my black skinny ripped jeans with a cardigan and head out the door before my dad can act like the father he thinks he is. While walking the 15 minutes to school with my thighs burning with every step I take, I listen and mumble the lyrics to Chase Atlantic songs starting with 'Into it'. When I walk Through the car park towards the door I see a guy I've never seen leaned up against a matte black range rover aka my dream car.

He looked way taller than me even if I couldn't really see his face.  As I checked him out I saw that he was wearing black jeans with a black top that had a middle finger on the back, he's definitely getting dress coded. Another thing that really stood out to me was his ass, like damn there was cake in that factory. 

Then all of a sudden I hear "Sky!!!" I turn to see my best friend Kaddie racing at me at full speed. Before I can move, I get tackled to the ground and all of the pain from my bruises and cuts race through my body making me groan in pain. "Oh my, I'm so sorry. I just haven't seen you since I went on holiday with my family."

One thing about Kaddie she has parents that care about her and somewhat take me in as their own, though no one knows or will know anything that I'm going through. "Oh I have something to tell you Nisha before school starts in like 20 minutes so come on she's waiting for us in the library," she says as she pulled me away and towards the school. Before entering the door I took a little glance behind me and I saw the dress coder staring at me with a little smirk, so he probably saw me fall like everyone else in the parking lot...embarrassing. 

Before I could hold or even attempt to hold the eye contact, I was being dragged further and further away from that handsome stranger.


While copying down what's on the board in form the door swings open. Everyone's head snaps towards the door and walks in the same guy from the parking lot walks in, looking more closely he is so gorgeous his eyes are...WAIT STOP I'm rambling and he's staring at me he's coming towards me oh my god what is happening. Before I can fully realise what is happening he's sitting next to me. "Hi" I say to him loud enough to hear but quiet enough so the teacher doesn't hear.

He looks over to me and says nothing but continues to stare at me identifying all of the features on my face but sticks to my eye or at least I thought it was my eye but he was actually looking a tiny bit under my eye exactly where the black eye my dad left is but it's covered by make up and neither Kaddie or Nisha noticed so  guess it started melting of or something. After a while of staring he turns his head back to the direction of the teacher looking a bit more mad than before. "My name is Skylar, what's your name?" I say trying to catch his attention.

"Are you deaf?" he says which catches me completely off guard. Did he just say what I think he said? Wow rude!

"Huh" I say completely confused.

"The teacher just announced me" he says turning away from me. Damn he's rude. I turned away and started paying attention to the teacher who was just yapping on and on about nonsense and algebra. He must have noticed I stopped talking because he said in a kinder tone "Blake."

"Wait, what did you say" I asked unaware of what he previously said because I was daydreaming.

He sighs "My name is Blake" he says paying all of his attention to me before staring at my eye again. I really thought I covered it but I guess I didn't so I'll check on it before next lesson.

"Well hi Blake, did you move here and where from?" trying to get his attention from my black eye again because it's making me feel self conscious. 

He looks at me for a few seconds and then says "New York... were born here?"

"Yep I haven't even been out of the country." I say smiling at him. "So how are you liking Texas?" I say trying to keep the same amount of eye contact he's giving me..which is surprisingly hard considering how easy he makes it, but I guess he's looking at an ugly freak so it makes it easier.

He coughs a bit before turning away and saying "It's fine."

I turn to the front of the class to listen to the teacher's whole speech about how algebra is important for the rest of the lesson after a student simply asked why we did algebra in the first place. Whilst listening, I take glances at the prettiest boy I've ever seen while also trying to make it obvious I'm freaking out over the fact that I talked to him. 



This is my first book and I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter and will come back for the upcoming chapters.

I looked over it but if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes please do not hesitate to tell me.

Don't forget to comment

Word count: 1272

Mwah bye cuties

-kee <3

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