Chapter 2 - Wow

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The dog at the top is Blake's dog



I really thought I would never come back to this state, but here I am. Everything looks the exact same but different, I guess it's because I was only little when we left. Last time I was here there were four of us and now there's two.

Second day back, first day of a new hell hole. My mom made us move as she thought we could get a new start but all It's going to do is bring up happy memories and ruin them for the both of us.

As I get dressed I hear my mom cooking in the kitchen and my dog, Enzo begging and barking for food. I roll my eyes at the thought of her making breakfast when she can't even cook properly, my dad used to cook for us so she never saw the point of her learning in the first place After getting dressed I walk out of my room and straight to the kitchen. "Hey baby, are you ready for school?"

"Yeah, what are" I say looking down on the burnt toast and eggs on the plate she put in front of me after petting Enzo on the head. After looking at that...thing she calls food I look up to see her looking back at me with a sad face that's just covering her extremely obvious laughing face.

We look at each other for a few seconds before laughing till we ran out of breath. "Ugh just go!" She says pushing me towards the door playfully. As we get to the door she turns me around and pulls my head down to kiss my cheek and says "Bye baby, have a good day at school".

I open the door and before exiting the house turn around and say "Bye mama, try not to burn the house down." I turn and walk to my matte black range rover with leather seats my mom bought me for my birthday this year while chuckling to myself. My family used to call me a mama's boy and if I'm honest I agree with them, but no one will ever know about that other than my family.

As I pull up to the place that is going to be my new school for probably the rest of my high school years I switch off my engine and get out of the car because if I stayed in there I would have been burning up... Since school hasn't started yet, I lean up against my car. I can feel the stares and hear the whispers but it doesn't bother me if they have something to say they can say it to my fucking face.

After some time I hear someone shout "Sky!!!". I turn around to see a girl get bodied to the floor. I smirk at the hilarious situation. They both get up and I can see the girl who made them fall over looking upset and frantically apologising.

After a while, the girl apologising the girl who got slammed to the floor is getting pulled by the other. Though it may look like I'm just spectating the situation I'm really just thinking of how pretty the girl getting dragged is, and that says a lot because I haven't even seen the girls face she could be an ogre for all I know.

As she gets pulled away further from me I can't stop but stare, as I see her getting closer to the door she turns and looks me dead in the eye before getting pulled through the door of hell and forever suffering. Wow she's sexy.

After about 10 minutes of standing and thinking of her I look at my phone to see that I need to go to the office to get my timetable. I walk there fairly quickly but when I get there, the office lady isn't even looking at me so I bang hard on the glass to get her attention. She looked up frightened but I really don't care. With my emotions concealed and my face neutral like it always is I say "I'm here for my timetable".

"Oh yes, you must be the new student" She passes my timetable over the mini glass shield in front of us. "Go right into that office the headmaster likes to tell new students what is acceptable and what is not acceptable at this school."

Without saying a word I grab the piece of paper and walk towards the door. I knock until I can hear rushed movements towards the door and a "come in".

I open the door and walk in to see a very flushed teacher who walks straight past me and a headteacher watching her ass very obviously as she walks away. He finally notices me after she's completely out of sight. "Ah hello, you must be Blake right?" He points to the chair in front of his desk, "Sit, Sit".

As I sit down he says "Now that we are all settled, I am going to tell you about the school rules and what we do and don't tolerate at Brightwood High". This is going to take a while...


Finally, after a while of hearing about the do's and don'ts of the school I'm finally walking to my first lesson.

When I reach in front of it I walk in without a care in the world. All of a sudden the whole class went silent and all I could see were eyes staring at me. Though I may act like I don't care, my hands start to twitch so I hide them in my jean pockets. "Oh you must be the new student, class this Blake, make sure to give him the real Brightwood welcome." I cringe at the word "Brightwood welcome", what does that even mean anyways. "Okay everyone get back to work," then she turns back to me and says "You can go sit next to Skylar over there". She points to the back of the class where the girl who fell over in the parking lot. Skylar...pretty name.

Skylar is already staring at me as I walk towards our table and sit down. All of a sudden I hear the most angelic voice say "Hi". I turn almost instantly. Wow she's so pretty. As I scan over every inch of her face my eyes stick to under her eye. If someone wasn't looking as close I was could easily miss it, but right after under her eye a very slight purple which means someone punched her. How could anyone dream of hitting someone so perfect? I clench my jaw and turn to face the teacher.

"My name is Skylar, what's your name?" She asks. I wonder, how could she not hear the teacher if she was staring at me the whole entire time.

"Are you deaf?" I ask genuinely confused, though it may not come across that way. In a split second I see confusion and disrespect get slapped across her face before it's covered.


"The teacher just announced me," I say looking away. She then goes quiet, and for once in my life I don't like it. Without even looking at her I grumble out "Blake".

"Wait what did you say," she says completely oblivious to what I just said.

I sigh turning towards her, "My name is Blake."

"Well hi Blake, did you move here and where from?" I notice her tactic to get my attention from her black eye, and since I'm not that cruel I take it and focus my attention onto her.

Genuinely interested I ask, "New York... were you born here?"

"Yep I haven't even been out of the country" She says which surprises me while giving me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. "So how are you liking Texas?" I barely even register the question because I'm staring at those beautiful eyes... Wait oh yeah she asked me a question.

I clear my throat while looking away from the hypnosis her eyes put me through and say, "It's fine."

As I barely listen to the teacher, I steal glances for the rest of the lesson. Blake get a grip!


Thanks for reading my first chapter.

I'm busy writing my next chapter for you guys and I hope you really like it.

Again if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes tell me.

Word count: 1418

Mwah bye pookstars

-kee <3

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