Chapter 4

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The week proceeded as planned with Headmistress McGonagall and Harry found himself loving every second of doing construction work and learning powerful building spells. Probably because Hogwarts was his first real home, even before The Burrow and then Grimmauld Place. Of course, The Burrow felt like a cozy home, but not his real one, if that makes sense. It was the Weasleys' home and he was not a Weasley, after all. Although they always made him feel as one of them. Grimmauld Place, on the other hand, was never a real home, it contained too many bad memories. It only improved during the war, when his late Godfather's house provided them a place to stay and rest for a couple of weeks.

At Hogwarts they worked relentlessly day, noon and night during the remaining days of June and the first days of July. While July was approaching and the summer's hot weather was making his job, being sometimes unbearable, McGonagall called Harry in her office during lunch break. Harry was curious about it and was thinking to every possible thing that could've been that the Headmistress wanted to talk about. When he reached the Gargoyle Statue, he found it already opened and hopped on the stairs to reach for the office's door. He opened it and entered.

McGonagall was drinking a cup of tea with some scones and jams and butter cans on the desk, while reading an handwritten letter in her other hand. She did acknowledge Harry's entrance, but didn't show it, too absorbed in her reading. Harry waited a few minutes while contemplating the frippery of the office, that was hit by sunlight. 

McGonagall kept all the things that Dumbledore left behind, as Snape did, and Harry found himself pleased at the thought that something inside of Hogwarts was still untouched by everything that happened.

After what felt as seconds or hours, Harry couldn't tell, McGonagall finally spoke: 'Potter, I called you here because I need advice. I received these letters this morning, and the senders are Narcissa Black and Draco Black.'

Harry had to give himself some time to understand what McGonagall was saying. It could not be what he was thinking.

'Pardon?' - exclaimed Harry with a mist of surprise and what could've been interpreted as panic.

'Yes. You heard it correctly.' - continued the Headmistress -  'Narcissa is no longer married to Lucius, and her son changed his surname. He wrote to me about how you helped him accept how bad of a person his father was, how he never had a choice in his life to be what he wanted, or to like what he liked, or to love what he loved, and now they both are erasing Lucius from their lives. Draco talked about his feelings for the Dark Side since he was forced to become one of the Death Eaters, and how you, giving him a second chance, helped him not to kill himself and to actually do something of his life.' -  McGonagall made a pause - 'He asked to come and help rebuild the Castle.'

Harry was stunned, and that was an understatement. So many thoughts running in his mind. Draco Black? Sirius's surname? Clearly, Harry had forgot that Draco was indeed the son of the cousin of his Godfather. He had just wanted to do the right thing and now he felt as if it had backfired.

'How did he change his surname?' - asked Harry through greeted teeth. 

'I believe he formally estranged himself from his father, renounced to every Malfoy's privilege and formally changed his surname. He wrote all of that in his letter, explaining how Lucius was forced to sign the paper since he did not have a say in the matter, being where he is.'

'How could he?' - asked Harry, feeling angry and nauseous.

'He is a descendant of the Black family, Harry. And, rereading his letter, i believe he did not intend to offend or harm you. He sent a letter for you, too.' - McGonagall answered gently, sensing the anger building up inside of Harry.

Harry was not feeling well, at all. Although he could not articulate his thoughts on why he felt so angry. Was he jealous of the fact that his former enemy at school had now the surname of his dead Godfather? Or perhaps he was just feeling as if the Black name was now stained, as if it wasn't already thanks to every single member of that family, except from Sirius and Andromeda.

Harry composed himself, he could not let anger getting to him for a matter so frivolous and futile. After all, he didn't even had a chance to talk to the world about the truth regarding Sirius. This couldn't even be a matter of changing surname to present himself as a better person and from a better background to the world; Draco should have had Potter, or Weasley as a surname to do that. Draco Weasley. The thought made the last shrink of anger slip out from Harry.

McGonagall had a questioning look, albeit she didn't ask Harry what the matter was. She handed him the letter, which was very thick, as if a whole roll of parchment was stuck inside of it. 'Read it when you feel comfortable. Talk to Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger if you need, then come to me, whenever you feel ready to tell me your answer.'

'What answer?' - asked Harry, puzzled.

'If you would feel comfortable working with him to rebuilt the Castle. I told you I needed advice. I value your opinion, Harry' - that was the third time in his life that McGonagall used his First Name - 'and I need you to be comfortable in this School. If you are, then everyone is. You gave your life for this Castle and the people inside it. Hogwarts does not forget it.' - finished McGonagall with teary eyes. 

Harry was a bit taken aback by the sudden emotions' display. It was still strange working so close to a teacher. After the war, though, every thing was strange.

Harry bid goodbye and went for the door when McGonagall suddenly said: 'Oh, and by the way, in his last day as a Malfoy, Draco burned down the entire Manor. At the time, Lucius being in Azkaban, he was by all means the lawful Malfoy heir, so the Ministry couldn't do anything, He's pretty happy about it.'


Author's note.

Hi everyone! Do you like the story so far? Let me know of any mistakes, English is not my first language. Also, let me know what do you think it will happen next!

Read you in the next chapter, bye!^-^

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