🪻RESULTS : Best Male Protagonist🪻

Start from the beginning

Character Development: (8/10)

The portrayal of Yoongi's character at the beginning was compelling, capturing his initial demeanor and then gradually revealing his softer, more joyful side as he interacted with Joy. While his transformation showcases his love for her, a slower development could enhance the believability of his emotional journey, making it more captivating for readers.

Impact on Readers: (7/10)

While the story appeals to readers who enjoy teen romance, adding new elements or delving deeper into the characters' emotions could heighten its impact. Starting with a more thrilling or emotionally charged scene could hook readers from the beginning, keeping them engaged throughout the narrative.

Realistic Elements: (9/10)

The story's realism shines through its genuine portrayal of emotions and relationships. This authenticity adds depth to the characters and their interactions, making the narrative relatable and immersive for readers.

Emotions Portrayal: (7/10)

Initially, Yoongi's emotions were effectively depicted, drawing readers into his internal struggles and desires. However, minimizing unnecessary smirks and ensuring that emotions align with the character's personality throughout the story would enhance consistency and deepen emotional resonance.

Overall Impression: (7/10)

Overall, "Total Eclipse of the Heart" offers an engaging read for fans of teen romance. Yoongi's character is particularly well-crafted, with his evolution and endearing gestures adding charm to the narrative. Providing further insight into why he chose the nickname "Min.Y" or his desire for a special name from Y/N could enrich his character arc and strengthen the story's depth. Nonetheless, the story remains a delightful exploration of love and relationships, sure to captivate its audience.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Book    : Parth Probodhika: prestine hues of his peace
By       : dwarkaratna
Total  : (42/50)

Character development: (8/10)    

Arjun in this excerpt is depicted as thoughtful, sincere, and deeply affectionate towards Subhadra. He prioritizes emotional connection over material possessions, as shown by his decision to gift memories instead of material items. His proposal for post-marital courtship reflects his commitment to nurturing their relationship. Arjun's character development showcases his transition from a disguised sage to a loving husband, emphasizing his growth and deepening connection with Subhadra. Overall, Arjun embodies qualities of compassion, empathy, and unwavering devotion .  

Impact on readers : (9/10)

Arjun's character resonates with readers through his sincerity, commitment to Subhadra, and thoughtful gestures.  Arjun's role as Subhadra's confidant and supporter adds depth to his character, leaving a lasting impression on readers who appreciate his genuine love and unwavering devotion.

Realistic elements : (10/10)

Arjun's character is depicted realistically with traits such as sincerity, vulnerability, and humility. His actions and responses reflect a genuine understanding of human emotions and relationships, adding depth and authenticity to the story.His playful complaint about not receiving acknowledgment for his actions adds a relatable element of teasing and banter to their interaction.Arjun's response to Subhadra's hesitation regarding post-marital courtship also demonstrates his realistic understanding of their relationship dynamics.

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