🪻RESULTS : Best Cover🪻

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So, here are the results of the ‘Best Cover’ category

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So, here are the results of the ‘Best Cover’ category. Congratulations to those who win, and congratulations to those too who participated. I hope nobody gets demotivated. These types of opportunities help us to improve more.

➷ Please take the judge's opinions as advices. Don't disrespect your judge.

➷ Don't unfollow the Judge, the community or the host. It will lead to your entry in the blacklist.


JUDGE : SSears90

Crimson Connection by lilmewomewo93

Visual appeal & Attractiveness 10/10
Relevance to the Title & Blurb 8/10
Clear Visibility of Font 7/10
Creativity & Originality 10/10
Overall Impression 8/10

It's a great and creative cover. I also love the colour scheme of red and grey to represent two different types of people. I will just point out that the font is a little hard to read due to the cursive. Also, with the chain running down the middle, at first glance at the cover it would seem that Jin and Yoongi are enemies and need to be separated. It does not give off the vibe that one is a protective brother over the other. I also see that the cover is created by Hells07dealer so I want to mention them and give them credit for making the cover.

Total 43/50

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The Summer Proposal by kimchiAera

Visual appeal & Attractiveness 8/10
Relevance to the Title & Blurb 7/10
Clear Visibility of Font 7/10
Creativity & Originality 10/10
Overall Impression 7/10

It's a creative cover. I am not sure what app is used to create the characters, but the way they look does seem very video-game-ish. The font colours blend in a bit with the background colours, and that mixed with the cursive makes the font a bit hard to read. Also, where you state how you're the author, it is almost impossible to see. I would suggest making the font colour something that pops more or making it a little bigger. The title mentions summer but the background doesn't depict summer at all, and it actually looks like the characters are wearing more fall-ish outfits. It is a very unique cover that I can tell took a lot of time and creativity, I'd suggest just fixing up some of the font to make it easier to read!

Total 39/50

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Their Angel: Vengeance Unleashed by ivna_jung

Visual appeal & Attractiveness 7/10
Relevance to the Title & Blurb 6/10
Clear Visibility of Font 10/10
Creativity & Originality 7/10
Overall Impression 7/10

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