The Return

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⚠️ Mentions of kidnapping and violence⚠️

1 week later

Emma lay asleep in her chair when she heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs causing her to slowly wake up.

"You good sleep?" A familiar voice asked as she looked up at the man and sighed.

"I said... you good sleep?" He yelled louder as she sighed again, not reacting to his aggression.

Emma could no longer be bothered anymore. Her thoughts about the squad coming to save her had mostly gone away. Her only instinct was completing another lifeless day.

"No" she replied blankly.

"Still not going to give me different answer?"the man chuckled.

"Very well. I guess I give news now." He informed, walking over to the bound woman.

"What news?" She asked confused

"Since you been missing for long time, only now people starting to take action. One of friends tried to get in contact with me." He explained

"Which friend?"


Her eyes widened, realising he was talking about Jake. It eased her a bit, now knowing that the squad were still out looking for her.

"But do not worry. I covered track. I set him up with rival buddies." He smirked evilly

"What did you do to him?" Emma glared angrily

"Nothing. He just took in wrong bad guys who confess." He admitted before leaning in closer to her.

"Face it Emma, no one coming to look for you anymore. They forget you like we will, eventually.
Now, go sleep." He insisted as he punched the girl square in the face, knocking her out.


Back at the Nine Nine, Jake was on his computer typing, much louder than everyone else which he had been doing for the last hour and a half. He was so focused on his work, he didn't notice the squad was getting sick of hearing it until Charles intervened by taking away his keyboard.

"What the hell, Boyle?" Jake whined.

"It's for your own good, Jakey. No one else can concentrate and more importantly, you're damaging your delicate little fingers." The small man told off his best friend.

"And also, all your tippy taps are giving Hitchcock and Scully a migraine so they're now working in the women's bathroom." Gina complained from her desk.

"Look, I am sorry, guys. I'm just frustrated." He apologised, looking to the squad.

"It's been three weeks since I thought I caught Ovichinsky's men and it turned out to be a different group of Russian criminals." He groaned

"That's still something." Boyle pointed out.

"No, it's not. Those guys were just random crooks that have no links to the people who still have Emma." He let out a frustrated sigh as the Captain walked up to his desk.

"Maybe, you should take a break from this case, Peralta." Holt advised.

"No. I'm not stopping until there is justice for Emma." He protested.

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