Under The Covers

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⚠️ Warning. These next two chapters will contain kidnapping, violence and other stressful themes⚠️

It was a boring day at the precinct as Emma had been struggling to get a new lead on her first big case here, when Jake and Charles had walked in with their perp who was in cuffs.

"Do not worry fellow detectives, you can now use your phones in peace as we have just caught one of the biggest prank callers in New York." He stated dramatically.

"Say hello to Juddwin." He pointed to the man

"What kind of a name is Juddwin?"  Gina grimaced.

"That's just his hacker name. His real name is Mike Hawk." Boyle revealed making the rest squad chuckle as he seemed confused to what they were laughing at.

"Is Mike Hawk handsome?" Amy smirked

"And does he have chlamydia?"  Emma questioned with a chuckle

"I don't know, you can just ask him. He's right here." Boyle pointed at the man, still not getting the joke.

"This is stupid. You can't send me to jail for calling strangers and telling them I planted bombs in their cars." Mike huffed.

"Sure. You tell that to the judge, homey." Jake grinned.

"Not if the judge can't catch me" he then suddenly kicked Jake in the leg making him drop to the floor, holding his shin.

"Hey. NYPD. Stop resisting -" Charles yelled before also being kicked in the leg, letting go of his grip.

"We got a runner!"

Terry chased the cuffed man around the bullpen as he charged towards Emma's desk.

Before the girl could react, the loose criminal was struck down by Diaz, who hit him with her nightstick one handed while sipping her coffee with the other.

"Damn Rosa!" Terry marvelled.

"That's what you get for being a dum-dum." She glared, standing over the man as she took a swig of her coffee.

As the perp was now in the holding cell and everyone else went back to work, Emma was stunned at what had just happened. She could no longer focus on her case and focused more on the woman that passed her, watching her walk back to her desk like it was nothing. In that moment, she felt like she would give everything to be as cool and badass as Rosa.
But her train of thought was interrupted when she heard a smash from inside her house. Emma jolted up in bed and sighed, remembering the events from earlier that day as she walked out of her room and into the kitchen where the noise had come from. The lights were on as she saw three men, robbing her apartment.

"Hey!" She yelled at them, who quickly turned to look at her.

"Who are you pe-" she was cut off when she was grabbed around the neck and a gun hit the back of her head, as she fell into unconsciousness.

"Should have stay in bedroom." A deep voice spoke


It was the next day at the precinct as everyone except Emma were working when Captain Holt walked out of his office.

"It's 9am." He alerted the squad.
"Thank you sir, for acknowledging I am not late." Jake said smugly, turning to his girlfriend who gave him a serious look.
"No, Detective Lowe has not shown up for work." He corrected. "And has not called in to say she is sick."

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