Paris Day 2...

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Imogen's Diary (set in: Chapter 4/Season 2 Ep4)

29/06 (29th June)

Woah... so uhhh that was not what I expected to happen today.

What I expected to happen was having a lovely day exploring Montmartre with my boyfriend.

What actually happened was he was being a shitty boyfriend that I ended up dumping by the end of the day. But it felt SOO good to do so.

Today started... alright. I mean it's not great that I have to share a hotel room with 3 other girls who I don't really know just because I don't really have many friends who are girls and we're not allowed to share with boys. 

But thinking back now I don't think I'd wanna share with boys after today.

Then Ben looked repulsed at the idea of the cute lockets with our names on that EVERYONE who goes to Paris as a couple does. (shitty bf clue #1)

All the boys then dragged me to Mcds cos that's all they wanted to do and didn't care about you know exploring the culture  or anything (shitty bf clue #2)

So I ditched them and went to hang with Nick and his friends who were WAY more fun. When I did go over though, that's when Ben decided he actually wanted to be my bf just in front of them (shitty bf clue #3)

Then I ended up talking to Nick and Elle about him and she said "Do you even like him? he sounds horrible". I shrugged it off in the moment but that definitely was shitty bf clue #4

At dinner was when I lost it though. He IGNORED me the whole time to talk to Charlie (shitty bf clue #5,6,7,8,9 and 5869373) who also looked very uncomfortable about it. So I had to speak up. Basically told him he was a shitty boyfriend, dumped him and stormed out of the room.

Why do I have to be sooo dramatic? Oh my gosh. 

Charlie said it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen so I'll take that.

So yeah, that was my day. A very interesting one. But it felt sooo good by the end. 

Bye diary!

A/N: Sorry it's been a bit longer this time but I've been a bit busy this week and haven't really had the time or mental capacity for writing but hope you enjoyed! I decided to go for a different perspective this time seeing that I mostly do Nick and Charlie diaries so I thought I'd spice it up a bit.

Also thx sooo much for 100 views. I know it's pathetic but I'm surprised I even got 1. Love you all ❤

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