New Form Groups

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Charlie's Diary (set in: Chapter 1/s1 e1)

06/01 (6th January)

So, today was... interesting to say the least. First day of the new form groups and I didn't want to at first cos I had Tao in my old one and he is one of my only friends and new form groups means new people that I'll have to talk to which I am not too keen on. It also means more potential exposure to people who bully me.

But now... I'm not too mad about it because I'm sat next to this boy called Nick who at first just looks like your classic popular rugby lad who calls everyone 'mate' and the kind of person who would pick on me. In reality, he's not that bad? I mean I didn't talk to him loads but he wasn't immediately disgusted by me. And he's kinda hot too. I know I'm kinda 'dating' Ben or whatever but I really don't care at this point.

About Ben, so he ditched me in the library this morning, but he was probably busy so it's fine and then when we did meet up in the music room at break he kissed me and then WIPED IT OFF! Like what the hell!! I know he's not out yet and he's not ready yet, like, I get that but no one's gonna know if he didn't. It's not like you can smell it or anything. And that's not even the worst part! When he did kiss me, he interrupted my sentence and I'm like I also really wanna make out right now too but if it were me I would at least listen to what they're saying when I've literally ASKED THEM A QUESTION. It's like he doesn't care. Well he doesn't really, I guess...

Anyways, rant over, back to Nick Nelson. I feel like on my way to EVERY lesson I bumped into him and he just said 'hi' every time. Like, 1. how does he recognise me already? and 2. how do I feel about this? Like, is this a good thing or a bad thing. I'm worried that he's gonna keep talking to me and then I'll feel too comfortable and tell him something that he'll then tell all his mates and I'll be bullied again and potentially even worse if that's even possible. Wow, that got real deep real fast. So for now he seems nice but as I've learned (the hard way) I shouldn't trust people immediately because they seem nice.

So that was today. Not too shit but not 100% amazing either (let's be honest - no day in my life is ever 100% amazing and probably never will be)


A/N: Updates to this series will come whenever I have written them/can be bothered to write them

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