Chapter 1

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Over the passing seasons, Kaito matured physically and emotionally. His once boyish features began to take on the contours of adolescence, his frame stretching taller and leaner with each passing year.

At the age of 7, he had grown into a young man, his face losing its youthful roundness and gaining a hint of the determined resolve that had carried him through his early years. His eyes, once filled with uncertainty, now held a quiet strength

Evelyn and Robert were never wealthy; they were just average people who found contentment in simplicity. Kaito sat quietly, observing them as they cooked together, their easy banter and playful interactions filling the small kitchen with warmth.

He watched as they whispered to each other, sharing jokes and secrets, and even doing a silly finger dance that made them both laugh. Kaito found himself drawn to their easy companionship, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere he had grown accustomed to at his parents' home.

As they placed plates of food in front of him, Kaito's mouth watered at the delicious aroma wafting from the dishes. Evelyn carefully portioned out his meal, while Robert made some final adjustments.

"So, buddy," Robert began, his voice gentle yet excited. "We got you something." With a smile, he held out a book. It was a guide to sign language and speech.

Kaito's eyes lit up with curiosity as he reached out to take the book, brushing his small hand against its cover. Robert smirked softly, pleased by Kaito's interest.

Evelyn, a high school teacher, and Robert, both agreed that they needed to find a way to help Kaito communicate better. Even if it meant resorting to homeschooling, they were willing to do whatever it took to support him.

It was evident that Kaito had a terrible time communicating with them. It was like he was speaking a different language altogether, maybe Japanese, for all they knew.

As Kaito opened the sign language and speech book, he looked at the alphabet, studying it intently. With slow and deliberate movements, he began to form the letters with his hands: 'K-A-I-T-O.'

"Kaito," they both muttered simultaneously, their eyes widening in realization. Kaito lifted his head to meet their gaze and smiled faintly.

Seeing Kaito's attempt to communicate using sign language brought a sense of relief and joy to Evelyn and Robert. It was the breakthrough they had been hoping for, a glimpse into Kaito's world and a bridge to better understanding him.

Evelyn reached out and gently placed her hand on Kaito's, her touch reassuring. "That's right, Kaito," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth. "You're doing great."

Robert nodded in agreement, a proud smile spreading across his face. "We're here to help you learn," he added, his tone encouraging.

Kaito's smile grew wider at their words, a sense of gratitude shining in his eyes. For the first time since he had arrived, he felt a glimmer of hope and connection with the couple who had opened their hearts and home to him.


At the Age thirteen

Kaito wasn't always quiet, though. He even stood as the best man with Robert by his side. Out by the lake, he walked on the deck, holding his fishing pole with determination.

Robert carefully stood beside him, patiently waiting. "Hold it this way," he instructed, adjusting Kaito's palms.

Kaito smiled as he followed Robert's guidance. "See," he said, pleased with himself.

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