The Fight

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Zayn's P.O.V :

"Looking handsome." Liam said while I was looking in the mirror. It was a new morning and a new start of our another day in Pakistan. "I know." I smiled. "When the girls will be here ?" Niall asked as he combed his hair. "I texted Zubana, she is saying that they will here in five minutes." Liam said checking his phone. "Hmmmm Zubana ?" I said naughtily. "Shut up Zayn." Liam smiled shyly. "Did anyone wake up our princesses ?" Niall asked and we understood who he was pointing. "Haha ! Yeah I woke up Harry and Louis." I said in a laugh. "Good." Niall nodded. "I am ordering the breakfast alright." Niall said and picked up the reciever. "Do you even know if they will understand our dishes ?" Liam asked. "Yeah ." Niall said making a face. "Okay lemme call Zubana." Liam said and dialed the number. He put the phone on speaker.

Hello !

Hey Zubana, its me Liam. I need to ask a question.

Yeah,sure, hurry up. I have to drive.

Yeah okay, we want to order breakfast.

Oh I see, Okay I will call in hotel and I will tell them to serve breakfast for you guys. Alright ?

Yeah alright, Thanks. Good bye

Your welcome , bye.

"Thats cool." Niall jumped. "Yeah it is that we found good friends." I added. "Hey guys." Harry entered our room and said in his raspy voice. "Hey Larry." Liam smiled. "Did you order our breakfast ?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes. "Yeah Zubana ordered." Liam said and toom a seat on bed. "What ? I mean is Zuaban attending the calls ?" Harry folded his hands against his chest. "Yeah I have been texting her since morning and I also called her." Liam said calmly. "Is Unaiza with her ?" Harry askes with narrowed eyes. "I don't know Harry but why ?" Liam asked curiously. "She is not attending any of my call." Harry made a sad face. "May be she is busy or something." I handeled the situation.

While we were talking, the waiter brought our Breakfast, It was not any Desi Food, it was like a simple breakfast, eggs,toasts and tea. We all had our breakfast and wanted to give a tip to waiter but then we came to know that we still had dollars. "Hey guys." Zubana entered in out room with a huge smile. "Hey." We all sang and Niall stood up. "Unaiza didn't come with you ?" Niall asked curiously. "Nope, she said she was not feeling well or something, I tried to bring her but she said, she will think. I guess she will come later." Zubana made a sad face. "Is her phone not working ?" Harry asked. "Kyun Harry Bhaya ?" Zubana laughed and Harry gave an expression like What. I guess Zubana liked teasing Harry.

And the thing happened from which I was scared of, Fatima entered the room. "Fatima ?" Mh mouth was wide open. "Yeah Unaiza said that I should also take Fatima with me for some company." Zubana said. "Good." Harry smiled and Zubana saw him with an expression less face.
We sat there and talked for a while. "Lets go some where, its again a rainy weather so we should visit a park or something." Zubana suggested. "Yeah that will awesome, we will chat and have some ice cream." Niall gave his suggestion. "Yeah I like it." Fatima smiled.

We came out of our room and went to the parkings. When we reached at Zubana's car, we saw another car being parked, a girl with brown hair and dirty blonde from the end, wearing goggles came out of the car. She was wearing black full sleeved top with skin tight jeans and high heeled boots. And when she turned around properly , she was Unaiza. She came towards Zubana. "Glad to see ya." Zubana gave a hug to her. "Same , looking pretty hot." Unaiza gave a wink to Zubana and she smiled. "Hey guys." Unaiza said. "How are you feeling now ?" Louis asked. "Pretty good, Thanks for asking Louis." She smiled. "Where are you all planning to go ?" Uaniza asked. "We are going to a park." Fatima said excitedly. "Hmm.." Unaiza hummed.

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