𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐗 - 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐥...

Comincia dall'inizio

Two hours later, she stirred from unconsciousness to the jarring clap of thunder and the sensation of a blade pressing against her neck. Reacting instinctively, she addressed the assailant with composed fluency in German, a skill acquired unexpectedly through her infatuation with a German sportsman, back in Texas. Initially skeptical, the man eyed her with suspicion, noting her very American appearance, which was partly due to the crash-site he discovered her body at, and the sheepskin coat she held close. However, his doubts waned as she exhibited a nonchalant acceptance of warm beer.

Crafting a tale of tragedy and escape, she spun a convincing narrative for the man, detailing the harrowing loss of her entire family to American forces in Bremen. Claiming to have fled in desperation to seek refuge with relatives in Wilhelmshaven, her story gained credence when another Terror Flyer narrowly missed crashing beside them, revealing the depressing truth of her perilous journey. Moved by both her plight and his own pathetic crush, the man, also a doctor, offered sanctuary and care for a week, pledging to escort her safely to her family once she had recovered.

As they sat together at the table, sharing a bland breakfast, she pondered the upcoming journey, her last meal before embarking on the long drive ahead. "Sie haben den richtigen zeitpunkt gewählt, um zu gehen, Herrin Schneider." (You've picked an opportune moment to depart, Mistress Schneider.) Remarked Gunther. "Heute werden alle festgenommenen amerikanischen soldaten zum Stalag transportiert, um den weg für ihre sichere rückkehr zu Ihrer familie freizumachen." (Today, all American soldiers apprehended will be transported to the Stalag, clearing the path for your safe return to your family.) He imparted this news while pouring her a cup of tea, signaling a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty of their circumstances.

"Alle von ihnen?" (All of them?) She queried between mouthfuls of food, her curiosity piqued. "Nun ja, diejenigen, die es geschafft haben, in der tat." (Well, those who made it through, indeed.) Gunther responded, slightly taken aback by her sudden engagement. "Und wie viele wären das?" (And how many would that be?) She pressed, her demeanor betraying a hint of excitement beneath her impassive facade. "Ein paar dutzend... derzeit in Rüsselsheim inhaftiert. voraussichtlich werden sie sich jedoch in kürze auf den weg nach Berlin zum verhör machen, sofern sie die reise unbeschadet überstehen." (A few dozen... presently detained in Rüsselsheim. However, they'll likely be on route to Berlin shortly for interrogation, provided they endure the journey unscathed.) He informed, a faint smirk playing on his lips, hinting at the perilous fate awaiting the captured men.

As Gunther's words lingered, she met his gaze with a calculated sweetness, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "Wie faszinierend." (How fascinating.) She mused, leaning in slightly, her voice soft and alluring. "Ich kann nicht anders, als ein anflug von neugier auf die gefangenen soldaten zu verspüren." (I can't help but feel a pang of curiosity about these captured soldiers.) She started, her tone innocent, but her motives deadly. "Die macht unserer streitkräfte und die entschlossenheit unserer feinde aus erster hand zu erleben... das ist eine gelegenheit, die man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte, finden sie nicht auch?" (To witness firsthand the might of our forces and the resolve of our enemies... it's an opportunity one wouldn't want to miss, wouldn't you agree?)

Gunther's brow furrowed slightly, suspicion flickering across his features like a fleeting shadow. "Das ist kein anblick für schwache nerven, Herrin Schneider." (It's not a sight for the faint-hearted, Mistress Schneider.) He warned once more, his tone laced with both concern and intrigue. With a delicate smile, her gaze met his with unwavering determination. "Aber ist es nicht gerade deshalb so berauschend?" (But isn't that precisely why it's so exhilarating?) She countered smoothly, her voice a honeyed melody that seemed to weave its way into his doubts. 

"In die rohe wahrheit eines konflikts einzutauchen und seine komplexität hinter dem schleier der propaganda aufzudecken – das ist eine erfahrung, der ich einfach nicht widerstehen kann." (To delve into the raw truth of conflict, to unravel its complexities beyond the veil of propaganda — it's an experience I simply cannot resist.) Her words hung in the air, a delicate web of persuasion spun with practiced finesse. Deciphering the subtle shift in his green-blue eyes, she sensed his lingering skepticism. Nevertheless, she remained poised, her composure undeviating as she awaited his response, every fiber of her being silently coaxing him to yield to her enticement.

"Diese Ameri-cunts fotzen haben mir alles genommen." (Those Ameri-cunts took everything from me.) She declared with a deliberate edge, her voice tinged with a venomous bitterness that she hoped would mask the manipulation beneath. "Ich sehne mich nach einem letzten blick auf ihre unerträglichen gesichter vor ihrem unausweichlichen untergang." (I yearn for one last glimpse at their insufferable faces before they meet their inevitable demise.) She snapped with a manufactured sense of vengeance, as she let a few crocodile tears trickle down her cheeks, their authenticity carefully crafted for maximum effect.

After a eloquent pause, the doc's decision faltered, his resistance crumbling beneath the weight of her persuasion and the pretense of vulnerability she presented. ""Sehr gut..." (Very well...) He relented, his voice tinged with hesitation. "Aber versprich mir, dass du vorsicht und diskretion walten lassen wirst. Du warst schon einmal am rande des todes und ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich dich wieder heilen kann." (But promise me, you'll exercise caution and discretion. You've teetered on the brink of death before, and I'm not sure if I can mend you again.) He let out a loud sigh, a note of resignation in his tone. "Dieses unterfangen birgt gefahren – es gibt keinen raum für rücksichtslosigkeit." (This venture is fraught with danger — it's no place for recklessness.) 

She nodded earnestly, concealing her satisfaction behind a mask of feigned innocence. "Natürlich, Herr Günther..." (Of course, Mister Gunther...) She replied with practiced sincerity, her tone dripping with assurance. "Ich vertraue voll und ganz auf ihr urteil. Gehen sie voran, und ich werde ihrer führung folgen." (I place my trust in your judgment completely. Lead the way, and I shall follow your guidance.) As she uttered her pledge, a wave of uncertainty washed over her. The stakes of her deception loomed large — if she failed to find the man she sought, all her efforts would be in vain. 

Fooling one doctor about her true identity had been a manageable feat, but deceiving an entire town of grieving Germans? It seemed an insurmountable task, bursting with hazard. With a glance that conveyed both resolution and trepidation, Gunther rose from the table, signaling for her to accompany him as they prepared to embark on their seven hour long journey into the aftermath of battle, at Rüsselsheim, where even a moment of derail could sabotage her chances at making it out of the country alive, let alone reunite with the love of her life, that is IF he had even survived.

But it was too late to brood now, for she had a certain raven to find.

(1.5k words)


a/n: not the best chapter, i'm aware, but i'll rewrite once i finish the entire act/book so that i have a better idea on how to reframe it

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

a/n: not the best chapter, i'm aware, but i'll rewrite once i finish the entire act/book so that i have a better idea on how to reframe it... it just feels way too chaotic but that's probably due to my intense sleep deprivation 😭

i really hope that i'm just overthinking rn and that y'all actually liked it (at least a little bit), but yeah. it's certainly not what i had in mind initially, so i will be editing it at some point... anyway, have a great day/night/life <3


𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐫|| 𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗰𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝘆/𝗻 𝗹/𝗻Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora